blob: 81b491e1db67ccc130eceb6717c91d224731b0ce [file] [log] [blame]
START ---- repair timestamp=1488257072 localtime=Feb 27 20:44:32
GOOD ---- verify.ssh timestamp=1488257073 localtime=Feb 27 20:44:33
GOOD ---- verify.brd_config timestamp=1488257073 localtime=Feb 27 20:44:33
GOOD ---- verify.ser_config timestamp=1488257073 localtime=Feb 27 20:44:33
GOOD ---- verify.job timestamp=1488257074 localtime=Feb 27 20:44:34
GOOD ---- verify.servod timestamp=1488257078 localtime=Feb 27 20:44:38
GOOD ---- verify.pwr_button timestamp=1488257078 localtime=Feb 27 20:44:38
GOOD ---- verify.lid_open timestamp=1488257078 localtime=Feb 27 20:44:38
GOOD ---- verify.update timestamp=1488257080 localtime=Feb 27 20:44:40
GOOD ---- verify.PASS timestamp=1488257080 localtime=Feb 27 20:44:40
FAIL ---- verify.ssh timestamp=1488257782 localtime=Feb 27 20:56:22 No answer to ping from chromeos4-row1-rack12-host9
START ---- repair.rpm timestamp=1488257782 localtime=Feb 27 20:56:22
FAIL ---- repair.rpm timestamp=1488258027 localtime=Feb 27 21:00:27 chromeos4-row1-rack12-host9 is still offline after powercycling
END FAIL ---- repair.rpm timestamp=1488258027 localtime=Feb 27 21:00:27
START ---- repair.sysrq timestamp=1488258027 localtime=Feb 27 21:00:27
FAIL ---- repair.sysrq timestamp=1488258316 localtime=Feb 27 21:05:16 chromeos4-row1-rack12-host9 is still offline after reset.
END FAIL ---- repair.sysrq timestamp=1488258316 localtime=Feb 27 21:05:16
START ---- repair.servoreset timestamp=1488258316 localtime=Feb 27 21:05:16
FAIL ---- repair.servoreset timestamp=1488258542 localtime=Feb 27 21:09:02 chromeos4-row1-rack12-host9 is still offline after reset.
END FAIL ---- repair.servoreset timestamp=1488258542 localtime=Feb 27 21:09:02
START ---- repair.firmware timestamp=1488258542 localtime=Feb 27 21:09:02
FAIL ---- repair.firmware timestamp=1488258542 localtime=Feb 27 21:09:02 Firmware repair is not applicable to host chromeos4-row1-rack12-host9.
END FAIL ---- repair.firmware timestamp=1488258542 localtime=Feb 27 21:09:02
START ---- repair.usb timestamp=1488258542 localtime=Feb 27 21:09:02
GOOD ---- verify.ssh timestamp=1488259093 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:13
GOOD ---- verify.writable timestamp=1488259094 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:14
GOOD ---- verify.tpm timestamp=1488259094 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:14
GOOD ---- verify.good_au timestamp=1488259094 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:14
GOOD ---- verify.ext4 timestamp=1488259095 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:15
GOOD ---- verify.power timestamp=1488259095 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:15
GOOD ---- verify.rwfw timestamp=1488259095 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:15
GOOD ---- verify.python timestamp=1488259096 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:16
GOOD ---- verify.cros timestamp=1488259098 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:18
END GOOD ---- repair.usb timestamp=1488259098 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:18
GOOD ---- verify.fwstatus timestamp=1488259098 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:18
GOOD ---- verify.PASS timestamp=1488259098 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:18
INFO ---- repair timestamp=1488259098 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:18 Can't repair label 'pool:cq'.
INFO ---- repair timestamp=1488259098 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:18 Can't repair label 'board:kip'.
INFO ---- repair timestamp=1488259098 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:18 Can't repair label 'cros-version:kip-paladin/R58-9323.0.0-rc4'.
END GOOD ---- repair timestamp=1488259098 localtime=Feb 27 21:18:18 chromeos4-row1-rack12-host9 repaired successfully