blob: 15aec4991aed952bbcd301e1b8e8f7f5c07d4cc0 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Test the kernel_cmdline module."""
from __future__ import print_function
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import kernel_cmdline
# pylint: disable=protected-access
# A partial, but sufficiently complicated command line. DmConfigTest uses
# more complicated configs, with multiple devices. DM is split out here for
# CommandLineTest.test*DmConfig().
DM = (
'1 vroot none ro 1,0 3891200 verity payload=PARTUUID=%U/PARTNROFF=1 '
'hashtree=PARTUUID=%U/PARTNROFF=1 hashstart=3891200 alg=sha1 '
'root_hexdigest=9999999999999999999999999999999999999999 '
'console= loglevel=7 init=/sbin/init cros_secure oops=panic panic=-1 '
'root=/dev/dm-0 rootwait ro dm_verity.error_behavior=3 '
'dm_verity.max_bios=-1 dm_verity.dev_wait=1 dm="' + DM +
'" noinitrd cros_debug vt.global_cursor_default=0 kern_guid=%U '
'-- run_level=3')
class KeyValueTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Test KeyValue"""
def testKeyOnly(self):
"""Expands key-only arg"""
self.assertEqual('key', kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('key', '', '').Format())
def testKeyEqual(self):
"""Expands key= arg"""
self.assertEqual('key=', kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('key', '=', '').Format())
def testKeyValue(self):
"""Expands key=value arg"""
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('key', '=', 'value').Format())
def testRecursion(self):
"""Expands key=list-of-KeyValue"""
self.assertEqual('a="b c= d=e"',
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '=', [
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('b', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('c', '=', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('d', '=', 'e')]).Format())
class ParseKeyValueTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Test _ParseKeyValue()."""
def testSimple(self):
"""Test a simple command line string."""
expected = [
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('b', '=', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('c', '=', 'd'),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('e.f', '=', '"d e"'),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('--', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('x', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('y', '=', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('z', '=', 'zz'),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('y', '', '')]
args = kernel_cmdline._ParseKeyValue('a b= c=d e.f="d e" a -- x y= z=zz y')
self.assertEqual(args, expected)
def testReturnsEmptyList(self):
"""Test that strings with no arguments return an emtpy list."""
self.assertEqual([], kernel_cmdline._ParseKeyValue(' '))
def testRejectsInvalidCmdline(self):
"""Test that invalid command line strings are rejected."""
# First and non-First are different in the re.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
kernel_cmdline._ParseKeyValue('a =3')
# Various bad quote usages.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
kernel_cmdline._ParseKeyValue('a b="foo"3 c')
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
kernel_cmdline._ParseKeyValue('a b=" c')
class CommandLineTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Test the CommandLine class"""
def testSimple(self):
"""Test a simple command line string."""
expected_kern = [
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('b', '=', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('c', '=', 'd'),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('e.f', '=', 'd'),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', '')]
expected_init = [
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('x', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('y', '=', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('z', '=', 'zz'),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('y', '', '')]
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('a b= c=d e.f=d a -- x y= z=zz y')
self.assertEqual(cmd.kern_args, expected_kern)
self.assertEqual(cmd.init_args, expected_init)
def testEmptyInit(self):
"""Test that 'a --' behaves as expected."""
expected_kern = [kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', '')]
expected_init = []
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('a --')
self.assertEqual(expected_kern, cmd.kern_args)
self.assertEqual(expected_init, cmd.init_args)
def testEmptyKern(self):
"""Test that '-- a' behaves as expected."""
expected_kern = []
expected_init = [kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', '')]
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('-- a')
self.assertEqual(expected_kern, cmd.kern_args)
self.assertEqual(expected_init, cmd.init_args)
def testEmptyArg(self):
"""Test that '' behaves as expected."""
expected_kern = []
expected_init = []
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('')
self.assertEqual(expected_kern, cmd.kern_args)
self.assertEqual(expected_init, cmd.init_args)
def testDashesOnly(self):
"""Test that '--' behaves as expected."""
expected_kern = []
expected_init = []
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('--')
self.assertEqual(expected_kern, cmd.kern_args)
self.assertEqual(expected_init, cmd.init_args)
def testExpandsDm(self):
"""Test that we do not expand dm="..."."""
expected_kern = [
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('dm', '=', '"1 vroot b=c 1,0 1200"'),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('c.d', '=', 'e')]
expected_init = [
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('dm', '=', '"not split"'),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', '')]
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine(
'a dm="1 vroot b=c 1,0 1200" c.d=e -- dm="not split" a')
self.assertEqual(expected_kern, cmd.kern_args)
self.assertEqual(expected_init, cmd.init_args)
def testGetKernelParameterIndex(self):
"""Test GetKernelParameter() with index="""
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('a b c b=3')
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', ''), cmd.GetKernelParameter(index=0))
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('b', '', ''), cmd.GetKernelParameter(index=1))
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('c', '', ''), cmd.GetKernelParameter(index=2))
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('b', '=', '3'), cmd.GetKernelParameter(index=3))
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
def testGetKernelParameter(self):
"""Test GetKernelParameter() with key"""
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('a b c=1 b=3')
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', ''), cmd.GetKernelParameter('a'))
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('b', '', ''), cmd.GetKernelParameter('b'))
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('c', '=', '1'), cmd.GetKernelParameter('c'))
self.assertEqual('default', cmd.GetKernelParameter('d', default='default'))
def testSetKernelParameterIndex(self):
"""Test SetKernelParameter() with index="""
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('a b c')
self.assertEqual(0, cmd.SetKernelParameter(
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('d', '=', ''), index=0))
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('d', '=', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('b', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('c', '', '')], cmd.kern_args)
def testSetKernelParameterIndexAppends(self):
"""Test SetKernelParameter() appends with index = len+1"""
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('a b c')
self.assertEqual(3, cmd.SetKernelParameter(
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('d', '=', ''), index=3))
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('b', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('c', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('d', '=', '')], cmd.kern_args)
def testSetKernelParameterIndexAssertsOnBadIndex(self):
"""Test SetKernelParameter() appends with index > len+1"""
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('a b c')
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
cmd.SetKernelParameter(kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('d', '=', ''), index=5)
def testSetKernelParameter(self):
"""Test SetKernelParameter() with key"""
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('a b c')
1, cmd.SetKernelParameter(kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('b', '=', 'f')))
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('b', '=', 'f'),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('c', '', '')], cmd.kern_args)
def testSetKernelParameterAppends(self):
"""Test SetKernelParameter() appends new key"""
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('a b c')
3, cmd.SetKernelParameter(kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('d', '=', '99')))
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('b', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('c', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('d', '=', '99')], cmd.kern_args)
def testSetKernelParameterAddsQuotes(self):
"""Test that SetKernelParameter adds double-quotes when needed."""
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('a b c')
3, cmd.SetKernelParameter(kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('d', '=', '9 9')))
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('a', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('b', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('c', '', ''),
kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('d', '=', '"9 9"')], cmd.kern_args)
def testFormat(self):
"""Test that the output is correct"""
self.assertEqual(CMDLINE, kernel_cmdline.CommandLine(CMDLINE).Format())
def testGetDmConfig(self):
"""Test that GetDmConfig returns the DmConfig we expect."""
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine(CMDLINE)
dm = kernel_cmdline.DmConfig(DM)
self.assertEqual(dm, cmd.GetDmConfig())
def testSetDmConfig(self):
"""Test that SetDmConfig sets the dm= parameter."""
cmd = kernel_cmdline.CommandLine('a -- b')
dm = kernel_cmdline.DmConfig(DM)
expected = kernel_cmdline.KeyValue('dm', '=', '"%s"' % DM)
self.assertEqual(expected, cmd.kern_args[1])
class DmConfigTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Test DmConfig."""
def testParses(self):
"""Verify that DmConfig correctly parses the config from DmDevice."""
device_data = [
['vboot uuid ro 1', '0 1 verity arg1 arg2'],
['vblah uuid2 ro 2',
'100 9 stripe larg1=val1',
'200 10 stripe larg2=val2'],
['vroot uuid3 ro 1', '99 3 linear larg1 larg2']]
dm_arg = ', '.join(','.join(x for x in data) for data in device_data)
devices = [kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(x) for x in device_data]
dc = kernel_cmdline.DmConfig('%d %s' % (len(device_data), dm_arg))
self.assertEqual(len(device_data), dc.num_devices)
self.assertEqual(devices, list(dc.devices.values()))
def testFormats(self):
"""Verify that DmConfig recreates its input string."""
device_data = [
['vboot uuid ro 1', '0 1 verity arg1 arg2'],
['vblah uuid2 ro 2',
'100 9 stripe larg1=val1',
'200 10 stripe larg2=val2'],
['vroot uuid3 ro 1', '99 3 linear larg1 larg2']]
dm_arg = ', '.join(','.join(x for x in data) for data in device_data)
dm_config_val = '%d %s' % (len(device_data), dm_arg)
dc = kernel_cmdline.DmConfig(dm_config_val)
self.assertEqual(dm_config_val, dc.Format())
def testEqual(self):
"""Test that equal instances are equal."""
arg = '2 v1 u1 f1 1,0 1 t1 a1, v2 u2 f2 2,3 4 t2 a2,5 6 t3 a3'
dc = kernel_cmdline.DmConfig(arg)
self.assertEqual(dc, kernel_cmdline.DmConfig(arg))
def testNotEqual(self):
"""Test that unequal instances are unequal."""
# Start with duplicated instances, and change fields to verify that all the
# fields matter.
arg = '2 v1 u1 f1 1,0 1 t1 a1, v2 u2 f2 2,3 4 t2 a2,5 6 t3 a3'
dc1 = kernel_cmdline.DmConfig(arg)
self.assertNotEqual(dc1, '')
dc2 = kernel_cmdline.DmConfig(arg)
dc2.num_devices = 1
self.assertNotEqual(dc1, dc2)
dc3 = kernel_cmdline.DmConfig(arg)
dc3.devices = []
self.assertNotEqual(dc1, dc3)
class DmDeviceTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Test DmDevice."""
def testParsesOneLine(self):
"""Verify that DmDevice correctly handles the results from DmLine."""
lines = ['vboot none ro 1', '0 1 verity arg']
dd = kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(lines)
self.assertEqual('none', dd.uuid)
self.assertEqual('ro', dd.flags)
self.assertEqual(1, dd.num_rows)
self.assertEqual([kernel_cmdline.DmLine('0 1 verity arg')], dd.rows)
def testParsesMultiLine(self):
"""Verify that DmDevice correctly handles multiline device."""
lines = ['vboot none ro 2', '0 1 verity arg', '9 10 type a2']
dd = kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(lines)
self.assertEqual('none', dd.uuid)
self.assertEqual('ro', dd.flags)
self.assertEqual(2, dd.num_rows)
self.assertEqual([kernel_cmdline.DmLine('0 1 verity arg'),
kernel_cmdline.DmLine('9 10 type a2')], dd.rows)
def testParsesIgnoresExcessRows(self):
"""Verify that DmDevice ignores excess rows."""
lines = ['vboot none ro 2', '0 1 verity arg', '9 10 type a2', '4 5 t a3']
dd = kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(lines)
self.assertEqual('none', dd.uuid)
self.assertEqual('ro', dd.flags)
self.assertEqual(2, dd.num_rows)
self.assertEqual([kernel_cmdline.DmLine('0 1 verity arg'),
kernel_cmdline.DmLine('9 10 type a2')], dd.rows)
def testEqual(self):
"""Test that equal instances are equal."""
dd = kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(['v u f 1', '0 1 typ a'])
self.assertEqual(dd, kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(['v u f 1', '0 1 typ a']))
def testMultiLineEqual(self):
"""Test that equal instances are equal."""
dd = kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(['v u f 2', '0 1 typ a', '2 3 t b'])
dd, kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(['v u f 2', '0 1 typ a', '2 3 t b']))
def testNotEqual(self):
"""Test that unequal instances are unequal."""
dd = kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(['v u f 2', '0 1 typ a', '2 3 t b'])
self.assertNotEqual(dd, '')
dd, kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(['x u f 2', '0 1 typ a', '2 3 t b']))
dd, kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(['v x f 2', '0 1 typ a', '2 3 t b']))
dd, kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(['v u x 2', '0 1 typ a', '2 3 t b']))
dd, kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(['v u f 1', '0 1 typ a', '2 3 t b']))
dd, kernel_cmdline.DmDevice(['v u f 2', '9 1 typ a', '2 3 t b']))
class DmLineTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Test DmLine."""
def testParses(self):
"""Verify that DmLine correctly parses a line, and returns it."""
text = '0 1 verity a1 a2=v2 a3'
dl = kernel_cmdline.DmLine(text)
self.assertEqual(0, dl.start)
self.assertEqual(1, dl.num)
self.assertEqual('verity', dl.target_type)
self.assertEqual(kernel_cmdline._ParseKeyValue('a1 a2=v2 a3'), dl.args)
self.assertEqual(text, dl.Format())
def testAllowsWhitespace(self):
"""Verify that leading/trailing whitespace is ignored."""
text = '0 1 verity a1 a2=v2 a3'
dl = kernel_cmdline.DmLine(' %s ' % text)
self.assertEqual(0, dl.start)
self.assertEqual(1, dl.num)
self.assertEqual('verity', dl.target_type)
self.assertEqual(kernel_cmdline._ParseKeyValue('a1 a2=v2 a3'), dl.args)
self.assertEqual(text, dl.Format())
def testEqual(self):
"""Test that equal instances are equal."""
dl = kernel_cmdline.DmLine('0 1 verity a1 a2=v2 a3')
self.assertEqual(dl, kernel_cmdline.DmLine('0 1 verity a1 a2=v2 a3'))
def testNotEqual(self):
"""Test that unequal instances are unequal."""
dl = kernel_cmdline.DmLine('0 1 verity a1 a2=v2 a3')
self.assertNotEqual(dl, '')
self.assertNotEqual(dl, kernel_cmdline.DmLine('1 1 verity a1 a2=v2 a3'))
self.assertNotEqual(dl, kernel_cmdline.DmLine('0 2 verity a1 a2=v2 a3'))
self.assertNotEqual(dl, kernel_cmdline.DmLine('0 1 verit a1 a2=v2 a3'))
self.assertNotEqual(dl, kernel_cmdline.DmLine('0 1 verity aN a2=v2 a3'))