blob: 110528e68c372d6625cf845d8c93edabecfbb7ed [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A class for managing the Linux cgroup subsystem."""
import contextlib
import errno
import os
import signal
import time
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib as cros_lib
from chromite.lib import sudo
# Rough hierarchy sketch:
# - all cgroup aware cros code should nest here.
# - No cros code should modify this namespace- this is user/system configurable
# - only. A release_agent can be specified, although we won't use it.
# cros/
# - cbuildbot instances land here only when they're cleaning their task pool.
# - this root namespace is *not* auto-removed; it's left so that user/system
# - configuration is persistant.
# cros/%(process-name)s/
# cros/cbuildbot/
# - a cbuildbot job pool, owned by pid. These are autocleaned.
# cros/cbuildbot/%(pid)i/
# - a job pool using process that was invoked by cbuildbot.
# - for example, cros/cbuildbot/42/cros_sdk:34
# - this pattern continues arbitrarily deep, and is autocleaned.
# cros/cbuildbot/%(pid1)i/%(basename_of_pid2)s:%(pid2)i/
# An example for cros_sdk (pid 552) would be:
# cros/cros_sdk/552/
# and it's children would be accessible in 552/tasks, or
# would create their own namespace w/in and assign themselves to it.
def _FileContains(filename, strings):
"""Greps a group of expressions, returns whether all were found."""
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
contents =
return all(s in contents for s in strings)
def MemoizedSingleCall(functor):
"""Decorator for simple functor targets, caching the results
The functor must accept no arguments beyond either a class or self (depending
on if this is used in a classmethod/instancemethod context). Results of the
wrapped method will be written to the class/instance namespace in a specially
named cached value. All future invocations will just reuse that value."""
# TODO(ferringb): rebase to snakeoil.klass.cached* functionality if/when
# snakeoil occurs.
def f(obj):
# Silence idiotic complaint from pylint.
# pylint: disable=W0212
key = f._cache_key
val = getattr(obj, key, None)
if val is None:
val = functor(obj)
setattr(obj, key, val)
return val
# Dummy up our wrapper to make it look like what we're wrapping,
# and expose the underlying docstrings.
f.__name__ = functor.__name__
f.__module__ = functor.__module__
f.__doc__ = functor.__doc__
f._cache_key = '_%s_cached' % (functor.__name__.lstrip('_'),)
return f
def EnsureInitialized(functor):
"""Decorator for Cgroup methods to ensure the method is ran only if inited"""
def f(self, *args, **kwds):
# pylint: disable=W0212
return functor(self, *args, **kwds)
# Dummy up our wrapper to make it look like what we're wrapping,
# and expose the underlying docstrings.
f.__name__ = functor.__name__
f.__doc__ = functor.__doc__
f.__module__ = functor.__module__
return f
class Cgroup(object):
"""Class representing a group in cgroups hierarchy.
Note the instance may not exist on disk; it will be created as necessary.
Additionally, because cgroups is kernel maintained (and mutated on the fly
by processes using it), chunks of this class are /explicitly/ designed to
always go back to disk and recalculate values.
path: Absolute on disk pathway to the cgroup directory.
tasks: Pids contained in this immediate cgroup, and the owning pids of
any first level groups nested w/in us.
all_tasks: All Pids, and owners of nested groups w/in this point in
the hierarchy.
nested_groups: The immediate cgroups nested w/in this one. If this
cgroup is 'cbuildbot/buildbot', 'cbuildbot' would have a nested_groups
of [Cgroup('cbuildbot/buildbot')] for example.
all_nested_groups: All cgroups nested w/in this one, regardless of depth.
pid_owner: Which pid owns this cgroup, if the cgroup is following cros
conventions for group naming.
PROC_PATH = '/proc/cgroups'
_MOUNT_ROOT_POTENTIALS = ('/sys/fs/cgroup',)
_MOUNT_ROOT_FALLBACK = '/dev/cgroup'
# Whether or not the cgroup implementation does auto inheritance via
# cgroup.clone_children
def CgroupsUsable(cls):
"""Function to sanity check if everything is setup to use cgroups"""
if not cls.CgroupsSupported():
return False
if not _FileContains('/proc/mounts', [cls.MOUNT_ROOT]):
# Not all distros mount cgroup_root to sysfs.
cros_lib.SafeMakedirs(cls.MOUNT_ROOT, sudo=True)
cros_lib.SudoRunCommand(['mount', '-t', 'tmpfs', 'cgroup_root',
cls.MOUNT_ROOT], print_cmd=False)
# Mount the root hierarchy.
if not _FileContains('/proc/mounts', [cls.CGROUP_ROOT]):
cros_lib.SafeMakedirs(cls.CGROUP_ROOT, sudo=True)
opts = ','.join(cls.NEEDED_SUBSYSTEMS)
# This hierarchy is exclusive to cros, so it probably doesn't exist.
cros_lib.SudoRunCommand(['mount', '-t', 'cgroup', '-o', opts,
'cros', cls.CGROUP_ROOT], print_cmd=False)
cls._SUPPORTS_AUTOINHERIT = os.path.exists(
os.path.join(cls.CGROUP_ROOT, 'cgroup.clone_children'))
return True
def CgroupsSupported(cls):
"""Sanity check as to whether or not cgroups are supported."""
# Is the cgroup subsystem even enabled?
if not os.path.exists(cls.PROC_PATH):
return False
# Does it support the subsystems we want?
if not _FileContains(cls.PROC_PATH, cls.NEEDED_SUBSYSTEMS):
return False
for potential in cls._MOUNT_ROOT_POTENTIALS:
if os.path.exists(potential):
cls.MOUNT_ROOT = potential
cls.CGROUP_ROOT = os.path.join(cls.MOUNT_ROOT, 'cros')
return True
def __init__(self, namespace, autoclean=True, lazy_init=False, parent=None,
_is_root=False, _overwrite=True):
"""Initalize a cgroup instance.
namespace: What cgroup namespace is this in? cbuildbot/1823 for example.
autoclean: Should this cgroup be removed once unused?
lazy_init: Should we create the cgroup immediately, or when needed?
parent: A Cgroup instance; if the namespace is cbuildbot/1823, then the
parent *must* be the cgroup instance for namespace cbuildbot.
_is_root: Internal option, shouldn't be used by consuming code.
_overwrite: Internal option, shouldn't be used by consuming code.
self._inited = None
self._overwrite = bool(_overwrite)
if _is_root:
namespace = '.'
self._inited = True
namespace = os.path.normpath(namespace)
if parent is None:
raise ValueError("Either _is_root must be set to True, or parent must "
"be non null")
if namespace in ('.', ''):
raise ValueError("Invalid namespace %r was given" % (namespace,))
self.namespace = namespace
self.autoclean = autoclean
self.parent = parent
if not lazy_init:
def _LimitName(self, name, for_path=False, multilevel=False):
"""Translation function doing sanity checks on derivative namespaces
If you're extending this class, you should be using this for any namespace
operations that pass through a nested group."""
# We use a fake pathway here, and this code must do so. To calculate the
# real pathway requires knowing CGROUP_ROOT, which requires sudo
# potentially. Since this code may be invoked just by loading the module,
# no execution/sudo should occur. However, if for_path is set, we *do*
# require CGROUP_ROOT- which is fine, since we sort that on the way out.
fake_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join('/fake-path', self.namespace))
path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(fake_path, name))
# Ensure that the requested pathway isn't trying to sidestep what we
# expect, and in the process it does internal validation checks.
if not path.startswith(fake_path + '/'):
raise ValueError("Name %s tried descending through this namespace into"
" another; this isn't allowed." % (name,))
elif path == self.namespace:
raise ValueError("Empty name %s" % (name,))
elif os.path.dirname(path) != fake_path and not multilevel:
raise ValueError("Name %s is multilevel, but disallowed." % (name,))
# Get the validated/normalized name.
name = path[len(fake_path):].strip('/')
if for_path:
return os.path.join(self.path, name)
return name
def path(self):
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.CGROUP_ROOT, self.namespace))
def tasks(self):
s = set(x.strip() for x in self.GetValue('tasks', '').splitlines())
s.update(x.pid_owner for x in self.nested_groups)
return s
def all_tasks(self):
s = self.tasks
for group in self.all_nested_groups:
return s
def nested_groups(self):
targets = []
path = self.path
targets = [x for x in os.listdir(path)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, x))]
except EnvironmentError, e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
targets = [self.AddGroup(x, lazy_init=True, _overwrite=False)
for x in targets]
# Suppress initialization checks- if it exists on disk, we know it
# is already initialized.
for x in targets:
x._inited = True
return targets
def all_nested_groups(self):
# Do a depth first traversal.
def walk(groups):
for group in groups:
for subgroup in walk(group.nested_groups):
yield subgroup
yield group
return list(walk(self.nested_groups))
def pid_owner(self):
# Ensure it's in cros namespace- if it is outside of the cros namespace,
# we shouldn't make assumptions about the naming convention used.
if not self.GroupIsAParent(_cros_node):
return None
# See documentation at the top of the file for the naming scheme.
# It's basically "%(program_name)s:%(owning_pid)i" if the group
# is nested.
return os.path.basename(self.namespace).rsplit(':', 1)[-1]
def GroupIsAParent(self, node):
"""Is the given node a parent of us?"""
parent_path = node.path + '/'
return self.path.startswith(parent_path)
def GetValue(self, key, default=None):
"""Query a cgroup configuration key from disk.
If the file doesn't exist, return the given default."""
with open(os.path.join(self.path, key)) as f:
except EnvironmentError, e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
return default
def AddGroup(self, name, **kwds):
"""Add and return a cgroup nested in this one.
See __init__ for the supported keywords. If this isn't a direct child
(for example this instance is cbuildbot, and the name is 1823/x), it'll
create the intermediate groups as lazy_init=True and autoclean=True.
name = self._LimitName(name, multilevel=True)
chunks = name.split('/', 1)
immediate = os.path.join(self.namespace, chunks[0])
if len(chunks) == 1:
return self.__class__(immediate, parent=self, **kwds)
parent = self.__class__(immediate, parent=self, lazy_init=True)
return parent.AddGroup(chunks[-1], **kwds)
def Instantiate(self):
"""Ensure this group exists on disk in the cgroup hierarchy"""
if not self.namespace:
# If it's the root of the hierarchy, leave it alone.
return True
if self.parent is not None:
cros_lib.SafeMakedirs(self.path, sudo=True)
force_inheritance = True
if self.parent.GetValue('cgroup.clone_children', '').strip() == '1':
force_inheritance = False
if force_inheritance:
# If the cgroup version supports it, flip the auto-inheritance setting
# on so that cgroups nested here don't have to manually transfer
# settings
self._SudoSet('cgroup.clone_children', '1')
# TODO(ferringb): sort out an appropriate filter/list for using:
# for name in os.listdir(parent):
# rather than just transfering these two values.
for name in ('cpuset.cpus', 'cpuset.mems'):
if not self._overwrite:
# Top level nodes like cros/cbuildbot we don't want to overwrite-
# users/system may've leveled configuration. If it's empty,
# overwrite it in those cases.
val = self.GetValue(name, '').strip()
if val:
self._SudoSet(name, self.parent.GetValue(name, ''))
except (EnvironmentError, cros_lib.RunCommandError):
# Do not leave half created cgroups hanging around-
# it makes compatibility a pain since we have to rewrite
# the cgroup each time. If instantiation fails, we know
# the group is screwed up, or the instantiaton code is-
# either way, no reason to leave it alive.
return True
# Since some of this code needs to check/reset this function to be ran,
# we use a more developer friendly variable name.
Instantiate._cache_key = '_inited'
def _SudoSet(self, key, value):
"""Set a cgroup file in this namespace to a specific value"""
return sudo.SetFileContents(self._LimitName(key, True), value)
def RemoveThisGroup(self, strict=False):
"""Remove this specific cgroup
If strict is True, then we must be removed.
if self._RemoveGroupOnDisk(self.path, strict=strict):
self._inited = None
return True
return False
def RemoveGroup(self, name, strict=False):
"""Removes a nested cgroup of ours
name: the namespace to remove.
strict: if False, remove it if possible. If True, its an error if it
cannot be removed.
return self._RemoveGroupOnDisk(self._LimitName(name, for_path=True),
def _RemoveGroupOnDisk(cls, path, strict, sudo_strict=True):
"""Perform the actual group removal.
namespace: The cgroup namespace to remove
strict: Boolean; if true, then it's an error if the group can't be
removed. This can occur if there are still processes in it, or in
a nested group.
# Depth first recursively remove our children cgroups, then ourselves.
# Allow this to fail since currently it's possible for the cleanup code
# to not fully kill the hierarchy. Note that we must do just rmdirs,
# rm -rf cannot be used- it tries to remove files which are unlinkable
# in cgroup (only namespaces can be removed via rmdir).
# See Documentation/cgroups/ for further details.
path = os.path.normpath(path) + '/'
# Do a sanity check to ensure that we're not touching anything we
# shouldn't.
if not path.startswith(cls.CGROUP_ROOT):
raise RuntimeError(" Was asked to wipe path %s, refusing. "
"strict was %r, sudo_strict was %r"
% (path, strict, sudo_strict))
result = cros_lib.SudoRunCommand(
['find', path, '-depth', '-type', 'd', '-exec', 'rmdir', '{}', '+'],
redirect_stderr=True, error_ok=not strict,
print_cmd=False, strict=sudo_strict)
if result.returncode == 0:
return True
elif not os.path.isdir(path):
# We were invoked against a nonexistant path.
return True
return False
def TransferCurrentPid(self):
"""Move the current process into this cgroup"""
def TransferPid(self, pid):
"""Assigns a given process to this cgroup."""
# Assign this root process to the new cgroup.
self._SudoSet('tasks', '%d' % pid)
# TODO(ferringb): convert to snakeoil.weakref.WeakRefFinalizer
def __del__(self):
if self.autoclean and self._inited and self.CGROUP_ROOT:
# Suppress any sudo_strict behaviour, since we may be invoked
# during interpreter shutdown.
self._RemoveGroupOnDisk(self.path, False, sudo_strict=False)
def TemporarilySwitchToNewGroup(self, namespace, **kwds):
Context manager to create a new cgroup, and temporarily switch into it.
node = self.AddGroup(namespace, **kwds)
return self.TemporarilySwitchToGroup(node)
def TemporarilySwitchToGroup(self, group):
"""Temporarily move this process into the given group, moving back after.
Used in a context manager fashion (aka, the with statement)."""
def ContainChildren(self, pool_name=None):
"""Context manager for containing children processes.
This manager creates a job pool derived from this instance, transfers
the current process into it upon __enter__.
Any children processes created at that point will inherit our cgroup;
they can only escape the group if they're running as root and move
themselves out of this hierarchy.
Upon __exit__, transfer the current process back to this group, then
sigterm (progressing to sigkill) any immediate children in the pool,
finally removing the pool if possible.
If pool_name is given, that name is used rather than os.getpid() for
the job pool created.
if pool_name is None:
pool_name = str(os.getpid())
node = self.AddGroup(pool_name, autoclean=True)
with self.TemporarilySwitchToGroup(node):
def KillProcesses(self, poll_interval=0.05, remove=False):
"""Kill all processes in this namespace."""
def _SignalPids(pids, signum):
['kill', '-%i' % signum] + sorted(pids),
print_cmd=False, error_code_ok=True, redirect_stdout=True,
# First sigterm what we can, exiting after 2 runs w/out seeing pids.
# Let this phase run for a max of 10 seconds; afterwards, switch to
# sigkilling.
time_end = time.time() + 10
saw_pids, pids = True, set()
while time.time() < time_end:
previous_pids = pids
pids = self.tasks
if not pids:
if not saw_pids:
saw_pids = False
saw_pids = True
new_pids = pids.difference(previous_pids)
if new_pids:
_SignalPids(new_pids, signal.SIGTERM)
# As long as new pids keep popping up, skip sleeping and just keep
# stomping them as quickly as possible (whack-a-mole is a good visual
# analogy of this). We do this to ensure that fast moving spawns
# are dealt with as quickly as possible. When considering this code,
# it's best to think about forkbomb scenarios- shouldn't occur, but
# synthetic fork-bombs can occur, thus this code being aggressive.
# Next do a sigkill scan. Again, exit only after no pids have been seen
# for two scans, and all groups are removed.
groups_existed = True
while True:
pids = self.all_tasks
if pids:
_SignalPids(pids, signal.SIGKILL)
saw_pids = True
elif not (saw_pids or groups_existed):
saw_pids = False
# Note this is done after the sleep; try to give the kernel time to
# shutdown the processes. They may still be transitioning to defunct
# kernel side by when we hit this scan, but that's fine- the next will
# get it.
# This needs to be nonstrict; it's possible the kernel is currently
# killing the pids we've just sigkill'd, thus the group isn't removable
# yet. Additionally, it's possible a child got forked we didn't see.
# Ultimately via our killing/removal attempts, it will be removed,
# just not necessarily on the first run.
if remove:
if self.RemoveThisGroup(strict=False):
# If we successfully removed this group, then there can be no pids,
# sub groups, etc, within it. No need to scan further.
return True
groups_existed = True
groups_existed = [group.RemoveThisGroup(strict=False)
for group in self.nested_groups]
groups_existed = not all(groups_existed)
def _FindCurrentCrosGroup(cls, pid=None):
"""Find and return the cros namespace a pid is currently in.
If no pid is given, os.getpid() is substituted."""
if pid is None:
pid = 'self'
elif not isinstance(pid, (long, int)):
raise ValueError("pid must be None, or an integer/long. Got %r" % (pid,))
cpuset = None
# See the kernels Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt if you're unfamiliar
# w/ procfs, and keep in mind that we have to work across multiple kernel
# versions.
with open('/proc/%s/cpuset' % (pid,), 'r') as f:
cpuset ='\n')
except EnvironmentError, e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
with open('/proc/%s/cgroup' % pid) as f:
for line in f:
# First digit is the hierachy index, 2nd is subsytem, 3rd is space.
# 2:cpuset:/
# 2:cpuset:/cros/cbuildbot/1234
line = line.rstrip('\n')
if not line:
line = line.split(':', 2)
if line[1] == 'cpuset':
cpuset = line[2]
if not cpuset or not cpuset.startswith("/cros/"):
return None
return cpuset[len("/cros/"):].strip("/")
def CreateProcessGroup(cls, process_name, nesting=True):
"""Create and return a cgroup for ourselves nesting if allowed.
process_name: See the hierarchy comments at the start of this module.
This should basically be the process name- cros_sdk for example,
cbuildbot, etc.
nesting: If we're invoked by another cros cgroup aware process,
should we nest ourselves in their hierarchy? Generally speaking,
client code should never have a reason to disable nesting."""
if not cls.CgroupsUsable():
return None
target = None
if nesting:
target = cls._FindCurrentCrosGroup()
if target is None:
target = process_name
return _cros_node.AddGroup(target, autoclean=(target!=process_name))
def SimpleContainChildren(process_name, nesting=True):
"""Convenience context manager to create a cgroup for children containment
See Cgroup.CreateProcessGroup and Cgroup.ContainChildren for specifics.
If Cgroups aren't supported on this system, this is a noop context manager.
node = Cgroup.CreateProcessGroup(process_name, nesting=nesting)
if node is not None:
name = '%s:%i' % (process_name, os.getpid())
return node.ContainChildren(name)
return cros_lib.NoOpContextManager()
# Note that it's fairly important that any module level defined cgroups like
# this need to be autoclean=False. If autoclean=True, they can trigger
# SudoRunCommand during sys.exit; we really don't want that occurring.
# Regardless, an ephemeral cgroup that is autocleaned really shouldn't be
# at module level- should be in a function scope. These are the sole
# exceptions to that rule.
_root_node = Cgroup(None, _is_root=True, autoclean=False, lazy_init=True)
_cros_node = _root_node.AddGroup('cros', autoclean=False, lazy_init=True,