blob: 9e35dbc0e599850edcf6671a606d446c8eb4991c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Common python commands used by various build scripts."""
import inspect
import os
import re
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
from terminal import Color
_STDOUT_IS_TTY = hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty()
class CommandResult(object):
"""An object to store various attributes of a child process."""
def __init__(self):
self.cmd = None
self.error = None
self.output = None
self.returncode = None
class RunCommandError(Exception):
"""Error caught in RunCommand() method."""
def __init__(self, msg, cmd):
self.cmd = cmd
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (type(self) == type(other) and
str(self) == str(other) and
self.cmd == other.cmd)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def RunCommand(cmd, print_cmd=True, error_ok=False, error_message=None,
exit_code=False, redirect_stdout=False, redirect_stderr=False,
cwd=None, input=None, enter_chroot=False, shell=False,
env=None, extra_env=None, ignore_sigint=False,
"""Runs a command.
cmd: cmd to run. Should be input to subprocess.Popen. If a string, shell
must be true. Otherwise the command must be an array of arguments, and
shell must be false.
print_cmd: prints the command before running it.
error_ok: does not raise an exception on error.
error_message: prints out this message when an error occurrs.
exit_code: returns the return code of the shell command.
redirect_stdout: returns the stdout.
redirect_stderr: holds stderr output until input is communicated.
cwd: the working directory to run this cmd.
input: input to pipe into this command through stdin.
enter_chroot: this command should be run from within the chroot. If set,
cwd must point to the scripts directory.
shell: Controls whether we add a shell as a command interpreter. See cmd
since it has to agree as to the type.
env: If non-None, this is the environment for the new process. If
enter_chroot is true then this is the environment of the enter_chroot,
most of which gets removed from the cmd run.
extra_env: If set, this is added to the environment for the new process.
In enter_chroot=True case, these are specified on the post-entry
side, and so are often more useful. This dictionary is not used to
clear any entries though.
ignore_sigint: If True, we'll ignore signal.SIGINT before calling the
child. This is the desired behavior if we know our child will handle
Ctrl-C. If we don't do this, I think we and the child will both get
Ctrl-C at the same time, which means we'll forcefully kill the child.
combine_stdout_stderr: Combines stdout and stdin streams into stdout.
A CommandResult object.
Exception: Raises generic exception on error with optional error_message.
# Set default for variables.
stdout = None
stderr = None
stdin = None
cmd_result = CommandResult()
# Modify defaults based on parameters.
if redirect_stdout: stdout = subprocess.PIPE
if redirect_stderr: stderr = subprocess.PIPE
if combine_stdout_stderr: stderr = subprocess.STDOUT
# TODO(sosa): gpylint complains about redefining built-in 'input'.
# Can we rename this variable?
if input: stdin = subprocess.PIPE
if isinstance(cmd, basestring):
if not shell:
raise Exception('Cannot run a string command without a shell')
cmd = ['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd]
shell = False
elif shell:
raise Exception('Cannot run an array command with a shell')
# If we are using enter_chroot we need to use enterchroot pass env through
# to the final command.
if enter_chroot:
cmd = ['./', '--'] + cmd
if extra_env:
for (key, value) in extra_env.items():
cmd.insert(1, '%s=%s' % (key, value))
elif extra_env:
if env is not None:
env = env.copy()
env = os.environ.copy()
# Print out the command before running.
if print_cmd:
if cwd:
Info('RunCommand: %r in %s' % (cmd, cwd))
Info('RunCommand: %r' % cmd)
cmd_result.cmd = cmd
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout,
stderr=stderr, shell=False, env=env)
if ignore_sigint:
old_sigint = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
(cmd_result.output, cmd_result.error) = proc.communicate(input)
if ignore_sigint:
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, old_sigint)
if exit_code:
cmd_result.returncode = proc.returncode
if not error_ok and proc.returncode:
msg = ('Command "%r" failed.\n' % cmd +
(error_message or cmd_result.error or cmd_result.output or ''))
raise RunCommandError(msg, cmd)
# TODO(sosa): is it possible not to use the catch-all Exception here?
except OSError, e:
if not error_ok:
raise RunCommandError(str(e), cmd)
except Exception, e:
if not error_ok:
return cmd_result
#TODO(sjg): Remove this in favor of operation.Die
def Die(message):
"""Emits a red error message and halts execution.
message: The message to be emitted before exiting.
print >> sys.stderr, (
Color(_STDOUT_IS_TTY).Color(Color.RED, '\nERROR: ' + message))
#TODO(sjg): Remove this in favor of operation.Warning
# pylint: disable-msg=W0622
def Warning(message):
"""Emits a yellow warning message and continues execution.
message: The message to be emitted.
print >> sys.stderr, (
Color(_STDOUT_IS_TTY).Color(Color.YELLOW, '\nWARNING: ' + message))
# This command is deprecated in favor of operation.Info()
# It is left here for the moment so people are aware what happened.
# The reason is that this is not aware of the terminal output restrictions such
# as verbose, quiet and subprocess output. You should not be calling this.
def Info(message):
"""Emits a blue informational message and continues execution.
message: The message to be emitted.
print >> sys.stderr, (
Color(_STDOUT_IS_TTY).Color(Color.BLUE, '\nINFO: ' + message))
def ListFiles(base_dir):
"""Recurively list files in a directory.
base_dir: directory to start recursively listing in.
A list of files relative to the base_dir path or
An empty list of there are no files in the directories.
directories = [base_dir]
files_list = []
while directories:
directory = directories.pop()
for name in os.listdir(directory):
fullpath = os.path.join(directory, name)
if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
elif os.path.isdir(fullpath):
return files_list
def IsInsideChroot():
"""Returns True if we are inside chroot."""
return os.path.exists('/etc/debian_chroot')
def GetSrcRoot():
"""Get absolute path to src/scripts/ directory.
Assuming test script will always be run from descendent of src/scripts.
A string, absolute path to src/scripts directory. None if not found.
src_root = None
match_str = '/src/scripts/'
test_script_path = os.path.abspath('.')
path_list = re.split(match_str, test_script_path)
if path_list:
src_root = os.path.join(path_list[0], match_str.strip('/'))
Info ('src_root = %r' % src_root)
Info ('No %r found in %r' % (match_str, test_script_path))
return src_root
def GetChromeosVersion(str_obj):
"""Helper method to parse output for CHROMEOS_VERSION_STRING.
str_obj: a string, which may contain Chrome OS version info.
A string, value of CHROMEOS_VERSION_STRING environment variable set by Or None if not found.
if str_obj is not None:
match ='CHROMEOS_VERSION_STRING=([0-9_.]+)', str_obj)
if match and
return None
def GetOutputImageDir(board, cros_version):
"""Construct absolute path to output image directory.
board: a string.
cros_version: a string, Chrome OS version.
a string: absolute path to output directory.
src_root = GetSrcRoot()
rel_path = 'build/images/%s' % board
# ASSUME: --build_attempt always sets to 1
version_str = '-'.join([cros_version, 'a1'])
output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(src_root), rel_path, version_str)
Info ('output_dir = %s' % output_dir)
return output_dir
def FindRepoDir(path=None):
"""Returns the nearest higher-level repo dir from the specified path.
path: The path to use. Defaults to cwd.
if path is None:
path = os.getcwd()
path = os.path.abspath(path)
while path != '/':
repo_dir = os.path.join(path, '.repo')
if os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
return repo_dir
path = os.path.dirname(path)
return None
def ReinterpretPathForChroot(path):
"""Returns reinterpreted path from outside the chroot for use inside.
path: The path to reinterpret. Must be in src tree.
root_path = os.path.join(FindRepoDir(path), '..')
path_abs_path = os.path.abspath(path)
root_abs_path = os.path.abspath(root_path)
# Strip the repository root from the path and strip first /.
relative_path = path_abs_path.replace(root_abs_path, '')[1:]
if relative_path == path_abs_path:
raise Exception('Error: path is outside your src tree, cannot reinterpret.')
new_path = os.path.join('/home', os.getenv('USER'), 'trunk', relative_path)
return new_path
def GetCallerName():
"""Returns the name of the calling module with __main__."""
top_frame = inspect.stack()[-1][0]
return os.path.basename(top_frame.f_code.co_filename)
class RunCommandException(Exception):
"""Raised when there is an error in OldRunCommand."""
def __init__(self, msg, cmd):
self.cmd = cmd
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (type(self) == type(other) and
str(self) == str(other) and
self.cmd == other.cmd)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def OldRunCommand(cmd, print_cmd=True, error_ok=False, error_message=None,
exit_code=False, redirect_stdout=False, redirect_stderr=False,
cwd=None, input=None, enter_chroot=False, num_retries=0):
"""Legacy run shell command.
cmd: cmd to run. Should be input to subprocess.POpen. If a string,
converted to an array using split().
print_cmd: prints the command before running it.
error_ok: does not raise an exception on error.
error_message: prints out this message when an error occurrs.
exit_code: returns the return code of the shell command.
redirect_stdout: returns the stdout.
redirect_stderr: holds stderr output until input is communicated.
cwd: the working directory to run this cmd.
input: input to pipe into this command through stdin.
enter_chroot: this command should be run from within the chroot. If set,
cwd must point to the scripts directory.
num_retries: the number of retries to perform before dying
If exit_code is True, returns the return code of the shell command.
Else returns the output of the shell command.
Exception: Raises RunCommandException on error with optional error_message.
# Set default for variables.
stdout = None
stderr = None
stdin = None
output = ''
# Modify defaults based on parameters.
if redirect_stdout: stdout = subprocess.PIPE
if redirect_stderr: stderr = subprocess.PIPE
if input: stdin = subprocess.PIPE
if enter_chroot: cmd = ['./', '--'] + cmd
# Print out the command before running.
if print_cmd:
Info('PROGRAM(%s) -> RunCommand: %r in dir %s' %
(GetCallerName(), cmd, cwd))
for retry_count in range(num_retries + 1):
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd, stdin=stdin,
stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
(output, error) = proc.communicate(input)
if exit_code and retry_count == num_retries:
return proc.returncode
if proc.returncode == 0:
raise RunCommandException('Command "%r" failed.\n' % (cmd) +
(error_message or error or output or ''),
except RunCommandException as e:
if not error_ok and retry_count == num_retries:
raise e
if print_cmd:
Info('PROGRAM(%s) -> RunCommand: retrying %r in dir %s' %
(GetCallerName(), cmd, cwd))
return output