blob: 33cad6e7571fcaa428f91b19e9e1aeef79a032fa [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Code releated to buildbucket.
Buildbucket is a generic build queue. A build requester can schedule
a build and wait for a result. A building system, such as Buildbot,
can lease it, build it and report a result back.
For more documents about buildbucket, please refer to:
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import json
import os
import sys
from six.moves import urllib
from chromite.cbuildbot import topology
from chromite.lib import auth
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import retry_util
assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6), 'This module requires Python 3.6+'
# Methods
# Default limit for SearchAllBuilds.
# Default limit for max_builds in Buildbucket search requests,
# max_builds cannot be larger than 100 in Buildbucket search requests
# Default max_builds number
# A running build on a buildbot should determin the buildbucket
# instance based on the topology information.
# To trigger a tryjob using buildbucket, the buildbucket instance
# should be determined by the test-tryjob option in cbuildbot.
# Buildbucket host instance
# Buildbucket test host instance
# Namedtupe to store buildbucket related info.
BuildbucketInfo = collections.namedtuple(
['buildbucket_id', 'retry', 'created_ts', 'status', 'result', 'url'])
class BuildbucketResponseException(Exception):
"""Exception got from Buildbucket Response."""
class NoBuildbucketBucketFoundException(Exception):
"""Failed to found the corresponding buildbucket bucket."""
class NoBuildbucketClientException(Exception):
"""No Buildbucket client exception."""
def GetServiceAccount(service_account=None):
"""Get service account file.
service_account: Service account file path.
Return service_account path if the file exists; else, return None.
if service_account and os.path.isfile(service_account):'Get service account %s', service_account)
return service_account
return None
def GetScheduledBuildDict(scheduled_slave_list):
"""Parse the build information from the scheduled_slave_list metadata.
Treats all listed builds as newly-scheduled.
scheduled_slave_list: A list of scheduled builds recorded in the
master metadata. In the format of
[(build_config, buildbucket_id, created_ts)].
A dict mapping build config name to its buildbucket information
(in the format of BuildbucketInfo).
if scheduled_slave_list is None:
return {}
buildbucket_info_dict = {}
for (build_config, buildbucket_id, created_ts) in scheduled_slave_list:
if build_config not in buildbucket_info_dict:
buildbucket_info_dict[build_config] = BuildbucketInfo(
buildbucket_id, 0, created_ts, None, None, None)
old_info = buildbucket_info_dict[build_config]
# If a slave occurs multiple times, increment retry count and keep
# the buildbucket_id and created_ts of most recently created one.
new_retry = old_info.retry + 1
if created_ts > buildbucket_info_dict[build_config].created_ts:
buildbucket_info_dict[build_config] = BuildbucketInfo(
buildbucket_id, new_retry, created_ts, None, None, None)
buildbucket_info_dict[build_config] = BuildbucketInfo(
old_info.buildbucket_id, new_retry, old_info.created_ts, None, None,
return buildbucket_info_dict
def GetBuildInfoDict(metadata, exclude_experimental=True):
"""Get buildbucket_info_dict from metadata.
metadata: Instance of metadata_lib.CBuildbotMetadata.
exclude_experimental: Whether to exclude the builds which are important in
the config but are marked as experimental in the tree status. Default to
buildbucket_info_dict: A dict mapping build config name to its buildbucket
information in the format of BuildbucketInfo. Build configs that are
marked experimental through the tree status will not be in the dict.
(See GetScheduledBuildDict for details.)
assert metadata is not None
scheduled_slaves_list = metadata.GetValueWithDefault(
if exclude_experimental:
experimental_builders = metadata.GetValueWithDefault(
scheduled_slaves_list = [
(config, bb_id, ts) for config, bb_id, ts in scheduled_slaves_list
if config not in experimental_builders
return GetScheduledBuildDict(scheduled_slaves_list)
def GetBuildbucketIds(metadata, exclude_experimental=True):
"""Get buildbucket_ids of scheduled slave builds from metadata.
metadata: Instance of metadata_lib.CBuildbotMetadata.
exclude_experimental: Whether to exclude the builds which are important in
the config but are marked as experimental in the tree status. Default to
A list of buildbucket_ids (string) of slave builds.
buildbucket_info_dict = GetBuildInfoDict(
metadata, exclude_experimental=exclude_experimental)
return [info_dict.buildbucket_id
for info_dict in buildbucket_info_dict.values()]
def FetchCurrentSlaveBuilders(config, metadata, builders_array,
"""Fetch the current important slave builds.
config: Instance of config_lib.BuildConfig. Config dict of this build.
metadata: Instance of metadata_lib.CBuildbotMetadata. Metadata of this
builders_array: A list of slave build configs to check.
exclude_experimental: Whether to exclude the builds which are important in
the config but are marked as experimental in the tree status. Default to
An updated list of slave build configs for a master build.
if config and metadata:
scheduled_buildbucket_info_dict = GetBuildInfoDict(
metadata, exclude_experimental=exclude_experimental)
return list(scheduled_buildbucket_info_dict)
return builders_array
class BuildbucketClient(object):
"""Buildbucket client to interact with the Buildbucket server."""
def __init__(self, get_access_token, host, **kwargs):
"""Init a BuildbucketClient instance.
get_access_token: Method to get access token.
host: The buildbucket instance to interact.
kwargs: The kwargs to pass to get_access_token.
""" = self._GetHost() if host is None else host
self.http = auth.AuthorizedHttp(get_access_token, None, **kwargs)
def _GetHost(self):
"""Get buildbucket Server host from topology."""
return topology.topology.get(topology.BUILDBUCKET_HOST_KEY)
def SendBuildbucketRequest(self, url, method, body, dryrun):
"""Generic buildbucket request.
url: Buildbucket url to send requests.
method: HTTP method to perform, such as GET, POST, DELETE.
body: The entity body to be sent with the request (a string object).
See httplib2.Http.request for details.
dryrun: Whether a dryrun.
A dict of response entity body if the request succeeds; else, None.
See httplib2.Http.request for details.
BuildbucketResponseException when response['status'] is invalid.
if dryrun:'Dryrun mode is on; Would have made a request '
'with url %s method %s body:\n%s', url, method, body)
def try_method():
response, content = self.http.request(
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
if int(response['status']) // 100 != 2:
raise BuildbucketResponseException(
'Got a %s response from buildbucket with url: %s\n'
'content: %s' % (response['status'], url, content))
# Deserialize the content into a python dict.
return json.loads(content)
return retry_util.GenericRetry(lambda _: True, 3, try_method)
def PutBuildRequest(self, body, dryrun):
"""Send Put request to buildbucket server.
body: See body in SendBuildbucketRequest for details.
dryrun: Whether a dryrun.
See return type of SendBuildbucketRequest.
url = 'https://%(hostname)s/api/buildbucket/v1/builds' % {
return self.SendBuildbucketRequest(url, PUT_METHOD, body, dryrun)
def GetBuildRequest(self, buildbucket_id, dryrun):
"""Send Get request to buildbucket server.
buildbucket_id: Buildbucket_id (string) of the build to get.
dryrun: Whether a dryrun.
See return type of SendBuildbucketRequest.
url = 'https://%(hostname)s/api/buildbucket/v1/builds/%(id)s' % {
'id': buildbucket_id
return self.SendBuildbucketRequest(url, GET_METHOD, None, dryrun)
def CancelBuildRequest(self, buildbucket_id, dryrun):
"""Send Cancel request to buildbucket server.
buildbucket_id: Buildbucket_id (string) of the build to cancel.
dryrun: Whether a dryrun.
See return type of SendBuildbucketRequest.
url = 'https://%(hostname)s/api/buildbucket/v1/builds/%(id)s/cancel' % {
'id': buildbucket_id
return self.SendBuildbucketRequest(url, POST_METHOD, '{}', dryrun)
def CancelBatchBuildsRequest(self, buildbucket_ids, dryrun):
"""Send CancelBatch request to buildbucket server.
buildbucket_ids: buildbucket_ids (string list) of the builds to cancel.
dryrun: Whether a dryrun.
See return type of SendBuildbucketRequest.
url = 'https://%(hostname)s/api/buildbucket/v1/builds/cancel' % {
assert isinstance(buildbucket_ids, list)
body = json.dumps({'build_ids': buildbucket_ids})
return self.SendBuildbucketRequest(url, POST_METHOD, body, dryrun)
def RetryBuildRequest(self, buildbucket_id, dryrun):
"""Send a Retry request to the Buildbucket server.
buildbucket_id: Buildbucket_id (string) of the build to retry.
dryrun: Whether a dryrun.
See return type of SendBuildbucketRequest.
url = 'https://%(hostname)s/api/buildbucket/v1/builds/%(id)s/retry' % {
'id': buildbucket_id
return self.SendBuildbucketRequest(url, PUT_METHOD, '{}', dryrun)
def SearchBuildsRequest(self, dryrun, buckets=None, tags=None,
status=None, start_cursor=None,
"""Send Search requests to the Buildbucket server.
dryrun: Whether a dryrun.
buckets: Search for builds in the buckets (string list).
tags: Search for builds containing all the tags (string list).
status: Search for builds in this status (string).
start_cursor: Search for builds with this start cursor (string).
max_builds: Maximum number of builds to return in this request (int).
See return type of SendBuildbucketRequest.
params = []
if buckets:
assert isinstance(buckets, list), 'buckets must be a list of string.'
for bucket in buckets:
params.append(('bucket', bucket))
if tags:
assert isinstance(tags, list), 'tags must be a list of string.'
for tag in tags:
params.append(('tag', tag))
if status:
if status not in constants.BUILDBUCKET_BUILDER_STATUSES:
raise ValueError('status must be one of %s' %
params.append(('status', status))
if start_cursor:
params.append(('start_cursor', start_cursor))
if max_builds is not None:
if max_builds <= 0 or max_builds > MAX_BUILDS_LIMIT:
raise ValueError('max_builds must be number in (0, %s]' %
params.append(('max_builds', max_builds))
params_str = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
url = ('https://%(hostname)s/api/buildbucket/v1/search?%(params_str)s'
% {'hostname':, 'params_str': params_str})
return self.SendBuildbucketRequest(url, GET_METHOD, None, dryrun)
def SearchAllBuilds(self, dryrun, limit=SEARCH_LIMIT_DEFAULT,
buckets=None, tags=None, status=None):
"""Search all qualified builds.
limit: The limit count of search results.
dryrun: Whether a dryrun.
buckets: Search for builds in the buckets (string list).
tags: Search for builds containing all the tags (string list).
status: Search for builds in this status (string).
List of builds.
if limit <= 0:
raise ValueError('limit %s must be greater than 0.')
next_cursor = None
all_builds = []
while True:
current_limit = limit - len(all_builds)
# Do not search for more than MAX_BUILDS_LIMIT builds in one request.
max_builds = (MAX_BUILDS_LIMIT if current_limit > MAX_BUILDS_LIMIT
else current_limit)
content = self.SearchBuildsRequest(
dryrun, buckets=buckets, tags=tags, status=status,
start_cursor=next_cursor, max_builds=max_builds)
builds = GetNestedAttr(content, ['builds'], default=[])
if not builds:
logging.debug('No build found.')
if len(all_builds) >= limit:'Reached the search limit %s', limit)
next_cursor = GetNestedAttr(content, ['next_cursor'])
if next_cursor is None:
logging.debug('No next_cursor in the response.')
return all_builds
def GetNestedAttr(content, nested_attr, default=None):
"""Get the (nested) attribuite from content.
Get the (nested) attribute from the content dict.
E.X. content is {key1: {key2: {key3: value3}}, key4: value4}
nested_attr = [key1] gets {key2: value2, {key3: value3}}
nested_attr = [key1, key2] gets {key3: value3}
nested_attr = [key1, key2, key3] gets value3
nested_attr = [key5] gets the default value.
content: A dict of (nested) attributes.
nested_attr: String list presenting the (nested) attribute to get.
default: Default value to return if the attribute doesn't exist.
The corresponding value if the attribute exists; else, default.
assert isinstance(nested_attr, list), 'nested_attr must be a list.'
if content is None:
return default
assert isinstance(content, dict), 'content must be a dict.'
value = content
for attr in nested_attr:
assert isinstance(attr, str), 'attribute name must be a string.'
if not isinstance(value, dict):
return default
value = value.get(attr, default)
return value
# Error reason for Cancel requests.
def GetErrorReason(content):
return GetNestedAttr(content, ['error', 'reason'])
def GetErrorMessage(content):
return GetNestedAttr(content, ['error', 'message'])
# Failure reason for FAILURE builds.
def GetBuildFailureReason(content):
return GetNestedAttr(content, ['build', 'failure_reason'])
# Cancelation reason for CANCELED builds.
def GetBuildCancelationReason(content):
return GetNestedAttr(content, ['build', 'cancelation_reason'])
def GetBuildURL(content):
return GetNestedAttr(content, ['build', 'url'])
def GetBuildId(content):
return GetNestedAttr(content, ['build', 'id'])
def GetBuildStatus(content):
return GetNestedAttr(content, ['build', 'status'])
def GetBuildResult(content):
return GetNestedAttr(content, ['build', 'result'])
def GetBuildCreated_ts(content):
return GetNestedAttr(content, ['build', 'created_ts'])
def GetBuildStartedTS(content):
return GetNestedAttr(content, ['build', 'started_ts'])
def GetBuildCompletedTS(content):
return GetNestedAttr(content, ['build', 'completed_ts'])
def GetBuildIds(content):
builds = GetNestedAttr(content, ['builds'], default=[])
return [b.get('id') for b in builds]
def ExtractBuildIds(builds):
return ([b.get('id') for b in builds] if builds is not None else [])
def GetResultMap(content):
"""Get a build_id to result map."""
build_result_map = {}
results = GetNestedAttr(content, ['results'], default=[])
for r in results:
if r.get('build_id') is not None:
build_id = r.pop('build_id')
build_result_map[build_id] = r
return build_result_map
def GetBuildTags(content, tag):
"""Return a list of tag values given the tag name."""
tags = GetNestedAttr(content, ['build', 'tags'])
result = []
for t in tags:
tag_pair = t.split(':')
if tag_pair[0] == tag:
return result
def GetResultDetails(content):
"""Return parsed result_details_json blob, or Nones."""
json_blob = GetNestedAttr(content, ['result_details_json'])
return json.loads(json_blob) if json_blob else None
def GetBotId(content):
"""Return the bot id that ran a build, or None."""
result_details = GetResultDetails(content)
if not result_details:
return None
# This produces a list of bot_ids for each build (or None).
# I don't think there can ever be more than one entry in the list, but
# could be zero.
bot_ids = GetNestedAttr(result_details, ['swarming', 'bot_dimensions', 'id'])
if not bot_ids:
return None
return bot_ids[0]