blob: e18a9c8f2ec6f140c09268aa050391716aba56cc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unit tests for"""
import doctest
import optparse
import os
import re
import unittest
import chromite.lib.cros_build_lib as cros_lib
from chromite.lib import text_menu
from import main
from import utils
import mox
# Allow protected access, since we are closely partnered with the
# code that we're testing...
# pylint: disable=W0212
# Needed to make pylint not yell so much about mocked out stuff
# (it yells about AndReturn, MultipleTimes, ...).
# TODO(dianders): Any better solution than this heavy hammer?
# pylint: disable=E1101, E1103
# Just being a unittest.TestCase gives us 14 public methods. Unless we
# disable this, we can only have 6 tests in a TestCase. That's not enough.
# pylint: disable=R0904
class _DeathException(Exception):
"""A bogus exception used by the mock out of cros_lib.Die."""
class TestFindCommand(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test main._FindCommand."""
# TODO(dianders): Add a test where I override main._COMMAND_HANDLERS
# and main._COMMAND_STRS so that I can test more of _FindCommand().
def setUp(self):
"""Test initialization."""
# Create our mox and stub out function calls used by _FindCommand()...
self.mox = mox.Mox()
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cros_lib, 'Die')
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(text_menu, 'TextMenu')
def tearDown(self):
"""Test cleanup."""
# Unset stubs...
def testInvalidCommand(self):
"""Test that _FindCommand('implode') causes cros_lib.Die()."""
# Should be a call to cros_lib.Die. We'll have it fake a _DeathException...
# Run the command and verify proper mocks were called...
self.assertRaises(_DeathException, main._FindCommand, 'implode')
def testBlankCommandWithQuit(self):
"""Test that _FindCommand('') shows menu, mocking quit.
This tests the case that the user quit out of the menu without choosing
# Should be one call to TextMenu, which will return None for quit.
# Should die in response to the quit.
# Run the command and verify proper mocks were called...
self.assertRaises(_DeathException, main._FindCommand, '')
def testBlankCommandWithChoice0(self):
"""Test that _FindCommand('') shows menu, mocking choice 0.
This tests the case that the user chose choice 0 for the menu.
# Should be one call to TextMenu, which will return item 0.
# Run the command and verify proper mocks were called...
cmd_str = main._FindCommand('')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(cmd_str, basestring),
'_FindCommand should return a string')
'_FindCommand should not return a blank string')
def _TestExactCommand(self, cmd_to_find):
"""Helper for tests that try to find an exact match.
cmd_to_find: The name of the command to find, like 'Build', ...
# Expect no mocks to be called...
# Run the command and verify proper mocks were called...
cmd_str = main._FindCommand(cmd_to_find)
self.assertEqual(cmd_str, cmd_to_find.lower(),
'_FindCommand("%s") should return "%s" back.' %
(cmd_to_find, cmd_to_find.lower()))
def testCaseSensitiveBuild(self):
"""Test that _FindCommand('build') returns 'build'.
The command matching should be case sensitive.
def testCaseInsensitiveBuild(self):
"""Test that _FindCommand('BUiLD') returns 'build'.
The command matching should be case insensitive.
def testShCommand(self):
"""Test that _FindCommand('sh') returns 'shell'.
This serves two purposes:
1. Test the 'prefix' feature of _FindCommand
2. Validate that nobody has introduced another command that starts with
'sh', since it's expected that many people will use this to invoke the
# _FindCommand should give us a message that it has interpreted sh as shell.
# Run the command and verify proper mocks were called...
cmd_str = main._FindCommand('sh')
self.assertEqual(cmd_str, 'shell',
'_FindCommand("sh") should return "shell" back.')
class TestFindSpec(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test utils.FindSpec."""
def setUp(self):
"""Test initialization."""
# Create our mox and stub out function calls used by _FindSpec()...
self.mox = mox.Mox()
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(os, 'listdir')
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(os.path, 'isfile')
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cros_lib, 'Die')
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(text_menu, 'TextMenu')
def tearDown(self):
"""Test cleanup."""
# Unset stubs...
def testInvalidSpec(self):
"""Test that _FindSpec('bogusSpec') causes cros_lib.Die()."""
# Pass this spec name...
spec_name = 'bogusSpec'
# We'll tell mox to say that these specs exist...
dir_list = ['x87-toadstool.spec', 'x87-luigi.SPeC', 'x88-princess.spec',
# This spec doesn't represent any full path.
# This spec isn't found in our search path.
os.path.isfile(mox.Regex('^/.*%s.spec$' % spec_name)).MultipleTimes(
# Give the fake directory listing...
# Should be a call to cros_lib.Die. We'll have it fake a _DeathException...
# Run the command and verify proper mocks were called...
self.assertRaises(_DeathException, utils.FindSpec, 'bogusSpec')
def testFullPath(self):
"""Test that _FindSpec(full_path) returns full_path.
_FindSpec is defined so that if you pass a full file path to it, it
should just return that. It doesn't need to have any special suffix or
live in a spec folder.
# Pass this spec name...
spec_name = __file__
# Just say that this is a full path...
# Run the command and verify proper mocks were called...
path = utils.FindSpec(spec_name)
self.assertEqual(path, spec_name,
'_FindSpec() should just return param if full path.')
def testExactSpecName(self):
"""Test that _FindSpec(exact_spec_name) returns the path for the spec."""
# We'll search for this bogus spec; we'll use mox to pretend it exists in
# the search path.
spec_name = 'y87-luigi'
# This spec doesn't represent any full path
# When we look through the search path for this spec (with .spec at
# the end), we will consider the spec to be found.
os.path.isfile(mox.Regex('^/.*%s.spec$' % spec_name)).AndReturn(True)
# Run the command and verify proper mocks were called...
spec_path = utils.FindSpec(spec_name)
self.assertTrue('^/.*%s.spec$' % spec_name, spec_path),
'_FindSpec() should have returned absolute path for spec.')
def testUniqueSpecName(self):
"""Test that _FindSpec(unique_part_name) returns the path for the spec."""
# We'll search for this spec. Weird capitalization on purpose to test
# case sensitiveness.
spec_name = 'ToaDSTooL'
# We'll tell mox to say that these specs exist in the first directory...
dir_list = ['_default',
'x87-luigi.spec', 'x87-toadstool.SPeC', 'x88-princess.spec']
# We expect it to find this spec.
expected_result = 'x87-toadstool.SPeC'
# Self-checks for test code...
assert dir_list == sorted(dir_list)
# This spec doesn't represent any full path.
# This spec isn't found in our search path.
os.path.isfile(mox.Regex('^/.*%s.spec$' % spec_name)).MultipleTimes(
# Return our directory listing.
# TODO(dianders): How to make first mocked call return dir_list and
# subsequent return []
os.path.isfile(mox.Regex('^/.*%s$' % expected_result)).AndReturn(True)
# Run the command and verify proper mocks were called...
spec_path = utils.FindSpec(spec_name)
self.assertTrue('^/.*%s$' % expected_result, spec_path),
'_FindSpec("%s") incorrectly returned "%s".' %
(spec_name, spec_path))
def _TestBlankSpecName(self, menu_return):
"""Helper for tests passing a blank spec name.
menu_return: This value is returned by TextMenu. Could be none or an
integer index into the dir_list of this function.
# We'll search for this spec.
spec_name = ''
# We'll tell mox to say that these specs exist in the first directory...
# ...only valid specs to make it easier to compare things.
dir_list = ['x87-luigi.spec', 'x87-toadstool.SPeC', 'x88-princess.spec']
num_specs = len(dir_list)
# Self-checks for test code...
assert menu_return < len(dir_list)
assert dir_list == sorted(dir_list)
# This spec doesn't represent any full path.
# Return our directory listing.
# TODO(dianders): How to make first mocked call return dir_list and
# subsequent return []
for i in xrange(num_specs):
os.path.isfile(mox.Regex('^/.*%s$' % dir_list[i])).AndReturn(True)
# We expect there to be 1 more item than we passed in, since we account
# for 'HOST'.
check_num_items_fn = lambda items: len(items) == (num_specs + 1)
# Add 1 to menu_return, since 'HOST' is first...
if menu_return is None:
adjusted_menu_return = menu_return
adjusted_menu_return = menu_return + 1
# Should be one call to TextMenu, which will return menu_return.
text_menu.TextMenu(mox.And(mox.IsA(list), mox.Func(check_num_items_fn)),
# Should die in response to the quit if directed to quit.
if menu_return is None:
# Run the command and verify proper mocks were called...
if menu_return is None:
self.assertRaises(_DeathException, utils.FindSpec, spec_name)
spec_path = utils.FindSpec(spec_name)
if menu_return is not None:
expected_result = dir_list[menu_return]
self.assertTrue('^/.*%s$' % expected_result, spec_path),
'_FindSpec("%s") incorrectly returned "%s".' %
(spec_name, spec_path))
def testBlankSpecNameWithQuit(self):
"""Test that _FindSpec('') shows menu, mocking quit."""
def testBlankSpecNameWithChoice0(self):
"""Test that _FindSpec('') shows menu, mocking choice 0."""
def testPartialSpecNameWithChoice0(self):
"""Test that _FindSpec(non_unique_str) shows menu, mocking choice 0."""
# We'll search for this spec.
spec_name = 'x87'
# We'll tell mox to say that these specs exist in the first directory...
dir_list = ['_default',
'x87-luigi.spec', 'x87-toadstool.SPeC', 'x88-princess.spec']
# We expect 2 matches and should get back luigi as choice 0.
matches = ['x87-luigi.spec', 'x87-toadstool.SPeC']
num_match = len(matches)
expected_result = 'x87-luigi.spec'
# Self-checks for test code...
assert dir_list == sorted(dir_list)
# This spec doesn't represent any full path.
# This spec isn't found in our search path.
os.path.isfile(mox.Regex('^/.*%s.spec$' % spec_name)).MultipleTimes(
# Return our directory listing.
# TODO(dianders): How to make first mocked call return dir_list and
# subsequent return []
for i in xrange(num_match):
os.path.isfile(mox.Regex('^/.*%s$' % matches[i])).AndReturn(True)
# Should be one call to TextMenu, which will return 0.
mox.Func(lambda items: len(items) == num_match)),
# Run the command and verify proper mocks were called...
spec_path = utils.FindSpec(spec_name)
self.assertTrue('^/.*%s$' % expected_result, spec_path),
'_FindSpec("%s") incorrectly returned "%s".' %
(spec_name, spec_path))
class TestParseArguments(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test utils.FindSpec."""
def setUp(self):
"""Test initialization."""
self.parser = optparse.OptionParser()
# Verbose defaults to full for now, just to keep people acclimatized to
# vast amounts of comforting output.
self.parser.add_option('-v', dest='verbose', default=3, type='int',
help='Control verbosity: 0=silent, 1=progress, 3=full')
self.parser.add_option('-q', action='store_const', dest='verbose', const=0,
help='Be quieter (sets verbosity to 1)')
def testEmpty(self):
options, cmd, sub = main._ParseArguments(self.parser,
self.assertEqual(options.verbose, 3)
self.assertEqual(cmd, '')
self.assertEqual(sub, [])
def testBadOption(self):
self.assertRaises(SystemExit, main._ParseArguments, self.parser,
['chromite', '--bad'])
self.assertRaises(SystemExit, main._ParseArguments, self.parser,
['chromite', '--bad', 'build'])
def testSubcmd(self):
options, cmd, sub = main._ParseArguments(self.parser,
['chromite', 'build'])
self.assertEqual(options.verbose, 3)
self.assertEqual(cmd, 'build')
self.assertEqual(sub, [])
def testSubcmdQuiet(self):
options, cmd, sub = main._ParseArguments(self.parser,
['chromite', '-q', 'build'])
self.assertEqual(options.verbose, 0)
self.assertEqual(cmd, 'build')
self.assertEqual(sub, [])
def testSubcmdVerbose2(self):
options, cmd, sub = main._ParseArguments(self.parser,
['chromite', '-v2', 'build'])
self.assertEqual(options.verbose, 2)
self.assertEqual(cmd, 'build')
self.assertEqual(sub, [])
def testSubcmdVerbose4(self):
options, cmd, sub = main._ParseArguments(self.parser,
['chromite', '-v', '4', 'build'])
self.assertEqual(options.verbose, 4)
self.assertEqual(cmd, 'build')
self.assertEqual(sub, [])
def testSubcmdArgs(self):
options, cmd, sub = main._ParseArguments(self.parser,
['chromite', '-v', '4', 'build', 'seaboard', '--clean'])
self.assertEqual(options.verbose, 4)
self.assertEqual(cmd, 'build')
self.assertEqual(sub, ['seaboard', '--clean'])
if __name__ == '__main__':