paygen_build_lib: Use stateful.tgz from chromeos-releases.

Attempt to use stateful.tgz from gs://chromeos-releases, if it's
present. Other CLs will populate this file for new builds, and manual
copies will populate it for older builds that we need to support.

If the new location for stateful isn't populated, find it in the old
chromeos-image-archive location, and copy it over. After a while,
all stateful.tgz files we'll need will have been copied forward and
we won't need the fallback mechanism any more.

I plan to merge this CL to active release branches so that we'll copy
needed files forward as quickly as possible.

Also, added unittests to ensure CreateTestPayload works after CL broke
in production the first time.


Change-Id: I55615284195e9fc5c9cb872daa89e5406d114745
Reviewed-by: Don Garrett <>
Commit-Queue: Don Garrett <>
Tested-by: Don Garrett <>
2 files changed