blob: 3c8bc4fea929b0414da8e4e93fbdd260ef788512 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for the ap_firmware module."""
from __future__ import print_function
import mock
from chromite.lib import build_target_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import workon_helper
from chromite.lib.firmware import ap_firmware
from chromite.lib.firmware import servo_lib
class BuildTest(cros_test_lib.RunCommandTestCase):
"""Tests for building ap firmware."""
def test_valid_build_config(self):
"""Test building of the build config object."""
module = mock.MagicMock(
BUILD_WORKON_PACKAGES=('pkg1', 'pkg2'), BUILD_PACKAGES=('pkg3', 'pkg4'))
self.PatchObject(ap_firmware, '_get_config_module', return_value=module)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
build_config = ap_firmware._get_build_config(
self.assertEqual(('pkg1', 'pkg2'), build_config.workon)
self.assertEqual(('pkg3', 'pkg4'),
def test_no_workon_config(self):
"""Test building of the build config object with no workon packages."""
module = mock.MagicMock(
self.PatchObject(ap_firmware, '_get_config_module', return_value=module)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
build_config = ap_firmware._get_build_config(
self.assertEqual(('pkg3', 'pkg4'),
def test_invalid_build_config(self):
"""Test invalid build configs."""
module = mock.MagicMock(
self.PatchObject(ap_firmware, '_get_config_module', return_value=module)
with self.assertRaises(ap_firmware.InvalidConfigError):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def test_build(self):
"""Sanity checks the workon and command building functions properly."""
# Note: The workon helper handles looking up full category/package atom
# when just given package names.
build_pkgs = ('build1', 'build2')
workon_pkgs = ('workon1', 'workon2')
# Inconsequential pkgs + 1 we need.
existing_workons = ['cat/pkg1', 'cat/pkg2', 'cat/workon1']
existing_and_required = existing_workons + ['cat/workon2']
# Should only stop the ones that weren't previously worked on.
expected_workon_stop = ['cat/workon2']
build_config = ap_firmware.BuildConfig(workon=workon_pkgs, build=build_pkgs)
build_target = build_target_lib.BuildTarget('board')
# Simulate starting the required workon packages. Return first the existing
# workon packages, then the ones we're starting plus the existing.
side_effect=[existing_workons, existing_and_required])
# Start and stop workon patches for verifying calls.
start_patch = self.PatchObject(workon_helper.WorkonHelper,
stop_patch = self.PatchObject(workon_helper.WorkonHelper,
# Patch in the build config.
ap_firmware, '_get_build_config', return_value=build_config), 'board-variant')
# Verify the workon packages. Should be starting all the required workon
# packages, but only stopping the ones that we started in the command.
# Verify we try to build all the build packages, and that the FW_NAME envvar
# has been set.
list(build_pkgs), extra_env={'FW_NAME': 'board-variant'})
class DeployConfigTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Test the deploy configuration class."""
def setUp(self):
self.servo = servo_lib.Servo(servo_lib.SERVO_C2D2, 'abc123')
# Expected dut commands and base flash commands.
self.expected_dut_on = [['dut_on']]
self.expected_dut_off = [['dut_off']]
base_flashrom = ['flashrom']
base_futility = ['futility']
# The get commands function returning the base commands.
commands = (
self.get_commands = (
lambda *args: commands
# The expected commands.
self.image = 'image'
self.expected_flashrom = base_flashrom + [self.image]
self.expected_futility = base_futility + [self.image]
# The optional fast and verbose arguments.
self.flashrom_fast_verbose = ['-n', '-V']
self.futility_fast_verbose = ['--fast', '-v']
def _assert_command(self, flash, flashrom=False, fast_verbose=None):
"""Helper to check the flash command.
flash (list[str]): The command being checked.
flashrom (bool): Check flashrom (True) or futility (False).
fast_verbose (bool|None): Assert the fast and verbose options were (True)
or were not (False) added to the command, or skip the check (None).
# Base command checks.
expected = self.expected_flashrom if flashrom else self.expected_futility
for element in expected:
self.assertIn(element, flash)
# Fast/verbose checks.
expected = (
self.flashrom_fast_verbose if flashrom else self.futility_fast_verbose)
if fast_verbose:
for element in expected:
self.assertIn(element, flash)
elif fast_verbose is False:
for element in expected:
self.assertNotIn(element, flash)
def test_force_fast(self):
"""Test the force fast call-through."""
get_commands = lambda *args: ([], [], [], [])
force_fast = lambda futility, servo: futility and servo == self.servo
config = ap_firmware.DeployConfig(get_commands, force_fast=force_fast)
self.assertTrue(config.force_fast(flashrom=False, servo=self.servo))
self.assertFalse(config.force_fast(flashrom=True, servo=self.servo))
def test_no_force_fast(self):
"""Sanity check no force fast function gets handled properly."""
get_commands = lambda *args: ([], [], [], [])
config = ap_firmware.DeployConfig(get_commands)
self.assertFalse(config.force_fast(flashrom=False, servo=self.servo))
self.assertFalse(config.force_fast(flashrom=True, servo=self.servo))
def test_dut_commands(self):
"""Sanity check for the dut commands pass through."""
config = ap_firmware.DeployConfig(self.get_commands)
commands = config.get_servo_commands(self.servo, self.image)
self.assertListEqual(self.expected_dut_on, commands.dut_on)
self.assertListEqual(self.expected_dut_off, commands.dut_off)
def test_flashrom_command(self):
"""Test the base flashrom command is built correctly."""
config = ap_firmware.DeployConfig(self.get_commands)
commands = config.get_servo_commands(self.servo, self.image, flashrom=True)
self._assert_command(commands.flash, flashrom=True, fast_verbose=False)
def test_fast_verbose_flashrom(self):
"""Sanity check the fast/verbose flashrom arguments get added."""
config = ap_firmware.DeployConfig(self.get_commands)
commands = config.get_servo_commands(
self.servo, self.image, flashrom=True, fast=True, verbose=True)
self._assert_command(commands.flash, flashrom=True, fast_verbose=True)
def test_futility_command(self):
"""Test the futility command is built correctly."""
config = ap_firmware.DeployConfig(self.get_commands)
commands = config.get_servo_commands(self.servo, self.image)
self._assert_command(commands.flash, flashrom=False, fast_verbose=False)
def test_fast_verbose_futility(self):
"""Sanity check the fast/verbose futility arguments get added."""
config = ap_firmware.DeployConfig(self.get_commands)
commands = config.get_servo_commands(
self.servo, self.image, fast=True, verbose=True)
self._assert_command(commands.flash, flashrom=False, fast_verbose=True)
def test_force_fast_flashrom(self):
"""Test the flashrom and fast command alterations."""
force_fast = lambda *args: True
config = ap_firmware.DeployConfig(
commands = config.get_servo_commands(self.servo, self.image, verbose=True)
self._assert_command(commands.flash, flashrom=True, fast_verbose=True)
def test_force_fast_futility(self):
"""Test the futility and fast command alterations."""
force_fast = lambda *args: True
config = ap_firmware.DeployConfig(
commands = config.get_servo_commands(self.servo, self.image, verbose=True)
self._assert_command(commands.flash, flashrom=False, fast_verbose=True)