| # ChromeOS Bazelification |
| |
| This repository provides the implementation to build ChromeOS with Bazel. |
| |
| ## Checking out |
| |
| For building ChromeOS with Bazel, use the following `repo` command to check out |
| with a few additional repositories. |
| |
| ```sh |
| $ mkdir ~/chromiumos |
| $ cd ~/chromiumos |
| $ repo init -u https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/chromeos/manifest-internal -g default,bazel |
| $ repo sync -c -j 4 |
| $ cd src |
| ``` |
| |
| Unless otherwise specified, examples in this doc assume that your current |
| directory is `~/chromiumos/src`. |
| |
| ## Building packages |
| |
| Now you're ready to start building. To build a single Portage package, e.g. |
| sys-apps/attr: |
| |
| ```sh |
| $ BOARD=amd64-generic bazel build @portage//sys-apps/attr |
| ``` |
| |
| To build all packages included in the ChromeOS base image: |
| |
| ```sh |
| $ BOARD=amd64-generic bazel build @portage//virtual/target-os:package_set |
| ``` |
| |
| *** note |
| Please make sure that `which bazel` prints a path under your [depot_tools] checkout. The wrapper script provided by depot_tools performs additional tasks besides running the real `bazel` executable. |
| *** |
| |
| [depot_tools]: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chrome-infra-docs/flat/depot_tools/docs/html/depot_tools_tutorial.html#_setting_up |
| |
| ### Inside CrOS SDK chroot |
| |
| Inside CrOS SDK chroot (i.e. the build environment you enter with `cros_sdk` command), you should be able to run the same `bazel build` command. |
| |
| You can also run `build_packages --bazel --board=$BOARD` to run `build_packages` with Bazel. |
| |
| ## Building images |
| |
| We have the following targets to build images: |
| |
| - `//bazel/images:chromiumos_minimal_image`: Minimal image that contains |
| `sys-apps/baselayout` and `sys-kernel/chromeos-kernel` only. |
| - `//bazel/images:chromiumos_base_image`: Base image. |
| - `//bazel/images:chromiumos_dev_image`: Dev image. |
| - `//bazel/images:chromiumos_test_image`: Test image. |
| |
| *** note |
| For historical reasons, the output file name of the dev image is |
| chromiumos_image.bin, not chromiumos_dev_image.bin. |
| *** |
| |
| As of June 2023, we primarily test our builds for amd64-generic and |
| arm64-generic. Please file bugs if images don't build for these two boards. |
| Other boards may or may not work (yet). |
| |
| Building a ChromeOS image takes several hours. Most packages build in a few |
| minutes, but there are several known heavy packages, such as |
| `chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome` that takes 2-3 hours. You can inject prebuilt |
| binary packages to bypass building those packages. |
| See [Injecting prebuilt binary packages](#injecting-prebuilt-binary-packages) |
| for more details. |
| |
| After building an image, you can use `cros_vm` command available in CrOS SDK |
| to run a VM locally. Make sure to copy an image out from `bazel-bin` as it's not |
| writable by default. |
| |
| ```sh |
| $ cp bazel-bin/bazel/images/chromiumos_base_image.bin /tmp/ |
| $ chmod +w /tmp/chromiumos_base_image.bin |
| $ chromite/bin/cros_vm --start --board=amd64-generic --image-path /tmp/chromiumos_base_image.bin |
| ``` |
| |
| You can use VNC viewer to view the VM. |
| ```sh |
| $ vncviewer localhost:5900 |
| ``` |
| |
| You can also use `cros_vm` command to stop the VM. |
| ```sh |
| $ chromite/bin/cros_vm --stop |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Testing your change |
| |
| The `run_tests.sh` script runs currently available tests: |
| |
| ``` |
| $ portage/tools/run_tests.sh |
| ``` |
| |
| Optionally, you can skip running some tests by specifying some of the following |
| environment variables when running `run_tests.sh`: `SKIP_CARGO_TESTS=1`, |
| |
| ## Directory structure |
| |
| * `portage/` ... for building Portage packages (aka Alchemy) |
| * `bin/` ... executables |
| * `common/` ... common Rust/Go libraries |
| * `build_defs/` ... build rule definitions in Starlark |
| * `repo_defs/` ... additional repository definitions |
| * `prebuilts/` ... defines prebuilt binaries |
| * `sdk/` ... defines the base SDK |
| * `tools/` ... misc small tools for development |
| * `images/` ... defines ChromeOS image targets |
| * `workspace_root/` ... contains various files to be symlinked to the workspace root, including `WORKSPACE.bazel` and `BUILD.bazel` |
| |
| ## Misc Memo |
| |
| ### Debugging a failing package |
| |
| *** note |
| **TODO:** Fix the ability to get the build working directory. The method |
| described here is no longer working. |
| *** |
| |
| If a package is failing to build, it's sometimes useful to view the package's |
| work directory. To do this run: |
| |
| ``` |
| bazel build --sandbox_debug //your/ebuild |
| ``` |
| |
| In the build output you will see a `cd` into the `execroot`: |
| |
| ``` |
| cd /home/rrangel/.cache/bazel/_bazel_rrangel/ca19c0757f7accdebe9bbcbd2cb0838e/sandbox/linux-sandbox/842/execroot/__main__ |
| ``` |
| |
| This directory will contain a directory called `build_package.*`. It contains |
| all the artifacts that were generated while building the package. |
| |
| Build logs can be found in: |
| |
| scratch/diff/build/arm64-generic/tmp/portage/logs/ |
| |
| The package work dir can be found in: |
| |
| scratch/diff/build/<board>/tmp/portage/<category>/<package>-<version> |
| |
| ### Debugging an ephemeral CrOS chroot |
| |
| Sometimes you want to enter an ephemeral CrOS chroot where a package build is |
| failing to inspect the environment interactively. |
| |
| To enter an ephemeral CrOS chroot, run the following command: |
| |
| ``` |
| $ BOARD=arm64-generic bazel run @portage//sys-apps/attr:debug -- --login=after |
| ``` |
| |
| This command will give you an interactive shell after building a package. |
| You can also specify other values to `--login` to choose the timing to enter |
| an interactive console: |
| |
| - `--login=before`: before building the package |
| - `--login=after`: after building the package |
| - `--login=after-fail`: after failing to build the package |
| |
| ### Injecting prebuilt binary packages |
| |
| In the case your work is blocked by some package build failures, you can |
| workaround them by injecting prebuilt binary packages via command line flags. |
| |
| For every `ebuild` target under `@portage//internal/packages/...`, an associated |
| string flag target is defined. You can set a `gs://` URL of a prebuilt binary |
| package to inject it. |
| |
| For example, to inject a prebuilt binary packages for `chromeos-chrome`, you can |
| set this option: |
| |
| ``` |
| --@portage//internal/packages/stage1/target/board/chromiumos/chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome:114.0.5715.0_rc-r2_prebuilt=gs://chromeos-prebuilt/board/amd64-generic/postsubmit-R114-15427.0.0-49533-8783437624917045025/packages/chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-114.0.5715.0_rc-r2.tbz2 |
| ``` |
| |
| *** note |
| You can run [generate_chrome_prebuilt_config.py] to generate the prebuilt config |
| for the current version of chromeos-chrome. |
| |
| ```sh |
| % BOARD=amd64-generic portage/tools/generate_chrome_prebuilt_config.py |
| ``` |
| |
| *** |
| |
| [generate_chrome_prebuilt_config.py]: ./portage/tools/generate_chrome_prebuilt_config.py |
| |
| We have several named config groupings in [prebuilts.bazelrc] that define |
| typical options to inject prebuilts. You can specify `--config` to use them. |
| |
| - `--config=prebuilts/arm64-generic`: Injects prebuilt binary packages needed to |
| build arm64-generic images. |
| |
| [prebuilts.bazelrc]: ./bazelrcs/prebuilts.bazelrc |
| |
| ### Extracting binary packages |
| |
| In case you need to extract the contents of a binary package so you can easily |
| inspect it, you can use the `xpak split` CLI. |
| |
| ```sh |
| bazel run //bazel/portage/bin/xpak:xpak -- split --extract libffi-3.1-r8.tbz2 libusb-0-r2.tbz2 |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Running tests on every local commit |
| |
| If you'd like to run the tests every time you commit, add the following. You can |
| skip it with `git commit --no-verify`. |
| |
| ```sh |
| cd ~/chromiumos/src/bazel |
| ln -s ../../../../../src/bazel/portage/tools/run_tests.sh .git/hooks/pre-commit |
| ``` |