blob: 0c158fb7909210091a2050fe243afc8df954d6e3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
load("//bazel/portage/build_defs:common.bzl", "BinaryPackageInfo")
def _extract_interface_impl(ctx):
files = ctx.attr.files
binpkg = ctx.attr.pkg[BinaryPackageInfo].file
args = ctx.actions.args()
args.add("--binpkg", binpkg)
outs = []
executable = None
for k, v in files.items():
out = ctx.actions.declare_file(v)
[k, out],
join_with = "=",
if k == ctx.attr.executable:
executable = out
if ctx.attr.executable and ctx.attr.executable not in files:
fail("Unable to find executable {} within {}".format(ctx.attr.executable, repr(sorted(files))))
outputs = outs,
inputs = [binpkg],
executable = ctx.executable._extract_interface,
arguments = [args],
return DefaultInfo(
files = depset(outs),
executable = executable,
_extract_interface = attr.label(
executable = True,
default = "//bazel/portage/bin/extract_interface",
cfg = "exec",
pkg = attr.label(mandatory = True, providers = [BinaryPackageInfo]),
files = attr.string_dict(mandatory = True),
executable = attr.string(),
_extract_interface_noexe = rule(
implementation = _extract_interface_impl,
_extract_interface_exe = rule(
implementation = _extract_interface_impl,
executable = True,
def extract_interface(files, executable = False, **kwargs):
"""Extracts files from a tbz2 file to one usable by bazel.
files: (List[str]|Dict[str, str]) A map from path in the tarball to the
destination path. (eg: {"/bin/foo": "foo"}). If a list is provided, it
is transformed into a map (eg. ["/bin/foo"] -> {"/bin/foo": "bin/foo"}).
executable: (bool|string) If False, mark as not executable.
If True, set to the *only* entry in files.
If a string, it must correspond to a key in files.
rule = _extract_interface_exe if executable else _extract_interface_noexe
if executable == True:
if len(files) == 1:
executable = list(files)[0]
fail("executable = True is only supported when there is a single entry in files")
# The rule takes in Option[str], so it doesn't like False.
if not executable:
executable = None
if type(files) == type([]):
files = {file: file.lstrip("/") for file in files}
for file in files:
if not file.startswith("/"):
fail("All files must be absolute paths")
files = files,
executable = executable,