blob: 1584c40d42d74eb371b05b568c7a4a846db56618 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/bin/bash -x
# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
set -eu -o pipefail
export ROOT="/${BOARD:+build/${BOARD}/}"
export SYSROOT="${ROOT}"
# TODO(b/278728702): Figure out how this symlink gets created.
# glibc uses the SYMLINK_LIB environment variable to determine if it should
# create the /lib -> lib64 symlink. It doesn't handle the /usr/lib symlink
# though. There must be another package that is creating this, but I have
# yet to find it. I have searched baselayout as well, but it doesn't handle it.
if [[ "$(portageq envvar SYMLINK_LIB)" == "yes" ]]; then
mkdir "${ROOT}/usr/lib64"
ln -s lib64 "${ROOT}/usr/lib"
# Create symlinks to do the same thing as src/scripts/build_sdk_board.
mkdir -p "${ROOT}/mnt/host"
ln -s /mnt/host/source/src/chromium/depot_tools "${ROOT}/mnt/host/depot_tools"
# Needed to tell chromite's cros_build_lib that we are running inside the
# SDK. We don't use a real version number since there is no such thing in the
# bazel world.
echo bazel > "${ROOT}/etc/cros_chroot_version"
# TODO: Find a way to share bash utils
install_deps() {
local -i idx=0
while [[ -v "INSTALL_ATOMS_TARGET_${idx}" ]]; do
local -a atoms
local current_group_var="INSTALL_ATOMS_TARGET_${idx}"
read -ra atoms <<<"${!current_group_var}"
if [[ "${#atoms[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then
# Use fakeroot on installing build dependencies since some files might
# have non-root ownership or special permissions. Hopefully this does not
# affect the result of building the package.
# TODO: emerge is too slow! Find a way to speed up.
# We need to set ACCEPT_KEYWORDS to tell portage that 9999 packages are
# allowed to be installed.
time ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~*" fakeroot emerge --oneshot --usepkgonly \
--nodeps --noreplace --jobs "${atoms[@]}"
unset "${current_group_var}"
# We duplicate the functionality here because we need to
# run in the context of the container so we can have access to all the layer.
# If we try and create a tarball from the build_sdk command, we have lost the
# ephemeral base layers so we don't have a complete view of the filesystem.
# CONTENTS: This file is sorted in the binpkg, but when portage installs the
# binpkg it recreates it in a non-hermetic way, so we manually sort
# it.
find "${PKG}" -name CONTENTS -exec sort -o '{}' '{}' \;
# environment.bz2: The environment contains EPOCHTIME and SRANDOM from when the
# package was installed. We could modify portage to omit these,
# but I didn't think the binpkg-hermetic FEATURE should apply
# to locally installed artifacts. So we just delete the file
# for now.
find "${PKG}" -name environment.bz2 -exec rm '{}' +
# We no longer need the ebuild file. Remove it to avoid cache busting on trivial
# changes.
find "${PKG}" -name "*.ebuild" -exec truncate --size 0 '{}' +
# COUNTER: Since we are installing packages in parallel the COUNTER variable
# can change depending on when it was installed.
find "${PKG}" -name COUNTER -exec sed -i -e 'c 0' '{}' +
# We don't want tar to change the permissions on the root directory when
# we extract it.
chmod 755 "${ROOT}"
# We need to run fakeroot so the tarball contains the correct UIDs.
# We can't use --remove-files because we get overlayfs IO errors on some files.
# Exclude /usr/share/{doc,man} because they pull in a bunch of files we don't
# need. Evaluate setting INSTALL_MASK instead.
time fakeroot tar \
--format gnu \
--sort name \
--mtime "1970-1-1 00:00Z" \
--numeric-owner \
--create \
--directory "${ROOT}" \
--exclude "./tmp/*" \
--exclude "./var/cache/*" \
--exclude "./packages" \
--exclude "./build" \
--exclude "./usr/share/doc/*" \
--exclude "./usr/share/man/*" \
--exclude="./etc/make.conf" \
--exclude="./etc/make.conf.*" \
--exclude="./etc/portage" \
. | \
zstd -3 --long -T0 --force -o "/mnt/host/.build_sdk/output.tar.zst"