blob: aa2b777d04cc0df1adb3c858adeed1c31794ca32 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/bin/bash -ex
# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
export ROOT="/${BOARD:+build/${BOARD}/}"
export SYSROOT="${ROOT}"
if [[ -d /home/root/chrome_root/src/third_party/depot_tools ]]; then
# The src tarball has already had the hooks ran, so no need to run it in the
# ebuild. It also won't run in the ebuild since the hooks need to access
# the network.
export USE="-runhooks ${USE}"
# Use the CIPD cache provided by the tarball to avoid network access.
export CIPD_CACHE_DIR="/home/root/chrome_root/.cipd-cache"
# Tell the chrome ebuilds to use the local source.
# HACK: Run `git init` to make chrome/src a git repository. `dirmd read`
# needs this to know where the chrome source root directory is.
# TODO(b/327296393): Remove this hack.
if type git; then
git -C /home/root/chrome_root/src init
# cros_sdk creates this directory.
# This is needed for stage1 build because otherwise it fails trying to create
# /var/cache/distfiles/ccache/tmp
# TODO(b/277646771): Disable ccache to see if this can be removed.
mkdir -p /var/cache/chromeos-cache/distfiles
export FEATURES="${FEATURES} fakeroot"
exec "$@"