blob: a31f6de5c62afa72412ee77a22c4f79f0268dffd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/bin/bash -ex
# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# HACK: Print all outputs to stderr to avoid shuffled logs in Bazel output.
exec >&2
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export RESTRICT="fetch"
export FEATURES="digest -sandbox -usersandbox" # TODO: turn on sandbox
for i in /stage/tarballs/*; do
tar -xv -f "${i}" -C /
locale-gen --jobs 1
# Patch portage to support binpkg-hermetic.
# Ideally we land
# and can remove this hack.
# The patch was generated by running:
# $ git format-patch HEAD~
# $ sed -i -E -e 's|([ab])/bin/|\1/usr/lib64/portage/python3.6/|g' \
# -e 's|([ab])/lib/portage/|\1/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/portage/|g' \
# *.patch
patch -i /usr/src/portage/0001-bin-Add-binpkg-hermetic-feature.patch -d / -p 1
patch -i /usr/src/portage/0002-bin-phase-functions-Move-du-stats-into-subshell.patch -d / -p 1
rm /usr/src/portage/*
# TODO: Consider using fakeroot-like approach to emulate file permissions.
sed -i -e '/dir_mode_map = {/,/}/s/False/True/' /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/portage/package/ebuild/
# HACK: Allow FEATURES=fakeroot even if UID is 0.
# TODO: Find a better way.
sed -i "s/fakeroot = fakeroot and uid != 0/fakeroot = fakeroot/" /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/portage/package/ebuild/
read -ra atoms <<<"${INSTALL_ATOMS_HOST}"
if (( ${#atoms[@]} )); then
# TODO: emerge is too slow! Find a way to speed up.
time emerge --oneshot --usepkgonly --nodeps --jobs=16 "${atoms[@]}"
read -ra atoms <<<"${INSTALL_ATOMS_TARGET}"
if (( ${#atoms[@]} )); then
# TODO: emerge is too slow! Find a way to speed up.
time ROOT="/build/${BOARD}/" SYSROOT="/build/${BOARD}/" PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT="/build/${BOARD}/" emerge --oneshot --usepkgonly --nodeps --jobs=16 "${atoms[@]}"
# Install libc to sysroot.
# Logic borrowed from chromite/lib/
# TODO: Can we install just the primary tool chain, or do we need them all?
while read -r TOOLCHAIN
rm -rf /tmp/libc
mkdir -p /tmp/libc
tar -I "zstd -f" -x -f "${TOOLCHAIN}" -C /tmp/libc
mkdir -p "/build/${BOARD}" "/build/${BOARD}/usr/lib/debug"
rsync --archive --hard-links /tmp/libc/usr/*-cros-linux-gnu/ "/build/${BOARD}/"
rsync --archive --hard-links /tmp/libc/usr/lib/debug/usr/*-cros-linux-gnu/ "/build/${BOARD}/usr/lib/debug/"
done < <(find /var/lib/portage/pkgs -path "*/cross-*-cros-linux-gnu/glibc-*.tbz2")