blob: 30d9b22e9dfba96e732e10a8fa0505153af26c65 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use itertools::Itertools;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use std::sync::Arc;
use version::Version;
use crate::{
config::{bundle::ConfigBundle, ProvidedPackage},
package::{PackageAtom, PackageDependencyAtom},
ebuild::{CachedPackageLoader, PackageDetails},
/// Answers queries related to Portage packages.
pub struct PackageResolver {
repos: Arc<RepositorySet>,
config: Arc<ConfigBundle>,
loader: Arc<CachedPackageLoader>,
impl PackageResolver {
/// Constructs a new [`Resolver`].
pub fn new(
repos: Arc<RepositorySet>,
config: Arc<ConfigBundle>,
loader: Arc<CachedPackageLoader>,
) -> Self {
Self {
/// Finds all packages matching the specified [`PackageAtom`].
/// Packages from a lower-priority repository come before packages from a
/// higher-priority repository.
pub fn find_packages(&self, atom: &PackageAtom) -> Result<Vec<Arc<PackageDetails>>> {
let ebuild_paths = self.repos.find_ebuilds(atom.package_name())?;
let packages = ebuild_paths
.map(|ebuild_path| self.loader.load_package(&ebuild_path))
.filter_map(|result| match result {
Ok(eval) => match eval {
Ok(details) => Some(Ok(details)),
// We ignore packages that had metadata evaluation errors.
Err(_) => None,
Err(e) => Some(Err(e)),
.filter(|details| match details {
Ok(details) => atom.matches(&details.as_thin_package_ref()),
Err(_) => true,
/// Finds the best package matching the specified [`PackageAtom`].
pub fn find_best_package(&self, atom: &PackageAtom) -> Result<Option<Arc<PackageDetails>>> {
let matches = self
.with_context(|| format!("Error looking up {atom}"))?;
/// Finds a package best matching the specified [`PackageAtomDependency`].
/// # Arguments
/// * `use_map` - The [`UseMap`] for the package that specified the `atom`.
/// * `atom` - The `atom` used to filter the packages.
/// If Ok(None) is returned that means that no suitable packages were found.
/// If Err(_) is returned, that means there was an unexpected error looking
/// for the package.
pub fn find_best_package_dependency(
use_map: &UseMap,
atom: &PackageDependencyAtom,
) -> Result<Option<Arc<PackageDetails>>> {
let ebuild_paths = self.repos.find_ebuilds(atom.package_name())?;
let packages = ebuild_paths
.map(|ebuild_path| self.loader.load_package(&ebuild_path))
let mut matches = Vec::with_capacity(packages.len());
for eval in packages {
let details = match eval {
Ok(details) => details,
// We ignore packages that had metadata evaluation errors.
Err(_) => continue,
match atom.package_matches(use_map, &details.as_package_ref()) {
Ok(result) => {
if result {
// We don't use with_context because we want to manually format
// the error.
Err(err) => bail!(
"target: {}-{}: {}",
/// Finds the best package in the provided list.
/// You must ensure all the packages have the same name.
/// TODO(b/271000644): Define a PackageSelector.
pub fn find_best_package_in(
packages: &[Arc<PackageDetails>],
) -> Result<Option<Arc<PackageDetails>>> {
// Filter masked packages.
let packages = packages
.filter(|details| !details.masked)
// Find the latest version.
// max_by will return the last element if multiple elements are equal.
// This translates to picking a package from an overlay with a higher
// priority since the `packages` variable is sorted so that lower
// priority packages come first and higher priority packages come last.
.max_by(|a, b| a.version.cmp(&b.version))
/// Finds *provided packages* matching the specified [`PackageAtomDependency`].
/// Portage allows pretending a missing package as "provided" by configuring
/// `package.provided`. This method allows accessing the list.
pub fn find_provided_packages<'a>(
&'a self,
atom: &'a PackageDependencyAtom,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a ProvidedPackage> {
.filter(|provided| atom.matches(provided))
/// Checks if the package is provided.
pub fn is_provided(&self, package_name: &str, version: &Version) -> bool {
.any(|provided| provided.package_name == package_name && &provided.version == version)