Debugging Build Issues

Asking for help

If you are unsure how to resolve build errors in Bazel-orchestrated builds, please send an email to

Common build issues

Build-time package dependencies are missing

Cause: Only explicitly declared build-time dependency packages are made available in the ephemeral CrOS SDK container when building a Portage package under Bazel.

Symptom: Missing build-time package dependencies result in a variety of error messages, including:

  • foobar: command not found
  • No such file or directory: 'foobar'
  • Package foobar was not found in the pkg-config search path.
  • 'path/to/foobar.h' file not found
  • unable to find library -lfoobar
  • Program 'foobar' not found or not executable
  • import error: No module named 'foobar'
  • no matching package named foobar found
  • cannot find package "foobar" in any of:

Solution: Make sure you declare proper DEPEND/BDEPEND in your ebuild/eclasses.

Example fixes:

Missing files despite correct dependency declarations

Cause: Bazel by default will build packages with Interface Library dependencies.

We perform the following modifications to the build-time dependencies that are “installed” into the ephemeral chroot that is used to build the package:

  • All executables in /bin, /usr/bin, etc will be omitted.
  • All static libraries (.a) in /lib, /usr/lib, etc will be omitted.
  • All shared libraries (.so) in /lib, /usr/lib, etc will be stripped of all code leaving only the public interface.
  • All debug symbols will be omitted.
  • /usr/share/{doc,info,man} will be omitted.

Symptom: Any of the files listed above are missing.


  1. If the dependency only produces static libraries or doesn‘t benefit from creating interface layers, set the generate_interface_libraries property to false in the dependency’s Bazel-specific metadata.
  2. If the dependency produces static helper libraries that always need to be linked, in addition to shared objects, there are still benefits from using interface libraries. You can add the static libraries to the interface_library_allowlist in the dependency's Bazel-specific metadata to keep them in the interface layer.
  3. If your package needs all its dependencies in their pristine form because it‘s bundling them or using qemu to execute the binaries, set the supports_interface_libraries property to false in your package’s Bazel-specific metadata.
  4. If you control the dependency, evaluate switching to generating shared objects instead of static libraries.

Example fixes:

Implicit build-time dependencies are missing

Cause: Ebuilds/eclasses are prohibited to access ChromeOS source checkout via /mnt/host/source unless those dependencies are explicitly declared with CROS_WORKON_*.

Symptom: Implicit build-time dependencies result in a variety of error messages, including foobar: command not found.

Solution: Declare extra sources in Bazel-specific metadata.

Example fixes: TBD

Uses sudo

Cause: sudo doesn't work in the ephemeral CrOS SDK container used to build Portage packages as it is unprivileged. In fact, /usr/bin/sudo is replaced with a fake script that just executes the specified command.

Symptom: If your package attempts to run sudo, the following message will be printed to the standard error:

fake_sudo: INFO: This is the fake sudo for the ephemeral CrOS SDK.

This message doesn't mean an immediate failure, but the subsequent process will run unprivileged.

Solution: Do not use sudo in the package build.

If your package uses to run foreign-architecture executables on build, pass --strategy=unprivileged to run the script without sudo.

Example fixes:

How to debug build errors

Entering ephemeral CrOS SDK containers

Sometimes you want to enter an ephemeral CrOS SDK container where a package build is failing to inspect the environment interactively.

To enter an ephemeral CrOS SDK container, run the following command:

$ BOARD=amd64-generic bazel run @portage//target/sys-apps/attr:debug -- --login=after

This command will give you an interactive shell after building a package. You can also specify other values to --login to choose the timing to enter an interactive console:

  • --login=before: before building the package
  • --login=after: after building the package (default)
  • --login=after-fail: after failing to build the package

Dump Alchemist's view of a package

It can be useful to see what Alchemist understands about a package to see why the Bazel build is behaving a certain way. You can use this command to dump this information for a given package:

bazel run //:alchemist -- --board ${BOARD} dump-package ${PACKAGE}


bazel run //:alchemist -- --host dump-package ${PACKAGE}


$ bazel run //:alchemist -- --board amd64-generic dump-package sys-apps/portage
Path:        /mnt/host/source/src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/sys-apps/portage/portage-2.3.75-r161.ebuild
Package:    sys-apps/portage
Version:    2.3.75-r161 (Default)
Slot:        0/0
Stable:        true
Readiness:        OK (not masked)
USE:        +abi_x86_64 -alpha +amd64 -amd64-fbsd -amd64-linux -arm -arm-linux -arm64 -build -cros_host -cros_workon_tree_e947dfa7fd9f6280412b8b58481e9dcc226465ca -doc -elibc_AIX -elibc_Cygwin -elibc_Darwin -elibc_DragonFly -elibc_FreeBSD -elibc_HPUX -elibc_Interix -elibc_NetBSD -elibc_OpenBSD -elibc_SunOS -elibc_Winnt -elibc_bionic +elibc_glibc -elibc_mingw -elibc_mintlib -elibc_musl -elibc_uclibc -epydoc -gentoo-dev -hppa -hppa-hpux -ia64 -ia64-hpux -ia64-linux +ipc -kernel_AIX -kernel_Darwin -kernel_FreeBSD -kernel_HPUX -kernel_NetBSD -kernel_OpenBSD -kernel_SunOS -kernel_Winnt -kernel_freemint +kernel_linux -m68k -m68k-mint -mips +native-extensions -nios2 -ppc -ppc-aix -ppc-macos -ppc-openbsd -ppc64 -ppc64-linux -prefix -prefix-guest -prefix-stack -python_targets_python3_6 -python_targets_python3_7 +python_targets_python3_8 -python_targets_python3_9 -riscv -rsync-verify -s390 -selinux -sh -sparc -sparc-fbsd -sparc-solaris -sparc64-freebsd -sparc64-solaris -userland_BSD +userland_GNU -x64-cygwin -x64-freebsd -x64-macos -x64-openbsd -x64-solaris -x86 -x86-cygwin -x86-fbsd -x86-freebsd -x86-interix -x86-linux -x86-macos -x86-netbsd -x86-openbsd -x86-solaris -x86-winnt +xattr

You can also use the --env flag to dump the environment variables for the package, which can be useful for viewing information such as USE flags.

Bad cache results when non-hermetic inputs change

Bazel is able to correctly reuse content from the cache when all inputs are identified to it so it can detect when they change. Since our toolchain and our host tools (e.g. gsutil) are not yet fully hermetic, it‘s possible that you’ll run into problems when tools not yet tracked by Bazel are updated. In these situations we've found it useful to run bazel clean --expunge to clear cached artifacts that seem not to be cleared without the --expunge flag.

If you find you need the --expunge flag, please file a bug to let the Bazelification team know about the non-hermeticity so we can fix the problem.