Advanced Topics

What do the different stages mean in the target paths?

You might have noticed paths like @portage//internal/packages/stage2/host/portage-stable/sys-apps/attr:2.5.1.

TL;DR, stageN in the package path means the package was built using the stageN SDK.

The bazel host tools build architecture was inspired by the Gentoo Portage bootstrapping processes. That is, we start with a “bootstrap tarball/SDK”, or what we call the stage1 tarball/SDK. This stage1 SDK is expected to have all the host tools (i.e., portage, clang, make, etc) required to build the virtual/target-sdk-implicit-system package and its run-time dependencies. We don't concern ourselves with the specific versions and build-time configuration of the packages contained in the stage1 SDK. We only need the tools to be recent enough to perform a “cross-root” compile of the virtual/target-sdk-implicit-system package and its dependencies.

A cross-root compilation is defined as CBUILD=CHOST && BROOT=/ && ROOT=/build/host (e.g., CHOST=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu). In other words, we use the native compiler (instead of a cross-compiler) to build a brand new sysroot in a different directory.

A cross-root build allows us to bootstrap the system from scratch. That means we don’t build or link against any of the headers and libraries installed in the BROOT. By starting from scratch, we can choose which packages to build, their versions, and their build-time configuration. We call these packages built using the stage1 SDK the “stage1 packages”.

Since the stage1 SDK is the root node of all packages, we want to avoid updating it unnecessarily to avoid cache busting all the packages.

Once all the “stage1 packages” (or “implicit system packages”) have been built, we take that newly created sysroot (i.e., /build/host) and generate the “stage2 tarball/SDK”. This bootstrap flow has two big advantages:

  1. By cross-root compiling instead of trying to update the stage1 SDK in place, we avoid performing any analysis on the packages it contains, and computing the install, uninstall, and rebuild actions required to “upgrade” the stage1 SDK in place. This reduces a great deal of complexity.
  2. Changes to any of the implicit system packages are immediately taken into account. There is no separate out-of-band processes required. This means we can catch build breakages before a CL lands. For example, if we wanted to upgrade bash or portage, we could just rev-bump the ebuild, and everything would get rebuilt automatically using the new version.
This flow essentially replaces the update_chroot step used by the portage flow.

Now that we have a newly minted stage2 SDK, we can start building the “stage2 host packages”. We no longer need to cross-root build these host tools, but can instead perform a regular native-root build (i.e., ROOT=/) since we now know the versions of the headers and libraries that are installed. When performing a native-root build, there is basically no difference between a DEPEND and BDEPEND dependency.

The next step is building the cross compilers for the target board. Under portage, this is normally done using the crossdev tool. With bazel we just build the cross compilers like any other package. The ebuilds have been modified to properly declare their dependencies, so everything just works.

Once the cross compilers are built, we can start building the target board packages. We first start with the primordial packages (i.e., glibc, libcxx, etc). You can think of these as implicit system dependencies for the target board. From there we can continue building the specified target package. Since we are cross-compiling the target board's packages, we depend on the packages to declare proper BDEPENDs so we can inject the proper host tools.

If you encounter an ebuild with EAPI < 7 (which doesn't support BDEPEND), please upgrade it and declare the proper BDEPENDs. For these older ebuilds, we need to treat the DEPEND line as a BDEPEND line. This results in building extra host tools that might not be necessary. To limit the impact of these extra dependencies, we maintain a list of DEPENDs that we consider valid BDEPENDs.

Conceptually you can think of every package getting a custom built SDK that contains only the things it specifies as dependencies. We create these per-package ephemeral SDKs as an overlayfs filesystem for efficiency, layering all declared BDEPENDs, DEPENDs, and RDEPENDs atop an implicit system layer, and executing the package's ebuild actions within that ephemeral SDK.

In summary, this is what the structure looks like:

  • //bazel/portage/sdk:stage1 <-- The downloaded bootstrap/stage1 SDK.
  • @portage//internal/ <- Alchemist implementation details.
    • sdk/ <-- Directory containing all the SDK targets.
      • stage1/target/host <-- stage1 SDK with the /build/host sysroot containing the primordial packages.
      • stage2 <-- The stage2 SDK/tarball containing the freshly built and up-to-date stage1/target/host virtual/target-sdk-implicit-system packages.
      • stage3:bootstrap <-- It is built using the stage2/host virtual/target-sdk-implicit-system packages, and all their transitive BDEPENDs. This tarball can then be used as a stage1 tarball whenever we need a new one.
      • stage4 <-- This is only used to verify that the stage3:bootstrap SDK can build the implicit system. It is built using the packages from stage3/target/host.
    • packages/ -- Directory containing all the package targets.
      • stage1/target/host/${OVERLAY}/${CATEGORY}/${PACKAGE} <-- The cross-root compiled host packages built using the stage1/target/host SDK. These are what go into making the stage2 SDK.
      • stage2/ <-- Directory containing all the stage2 packages.
        • host/${OVERLAY}/${CATEGORY}/${PACKAGE} <-- The native-root compiled host packages built using the stage2 SDK. These will also be used to generate the stage3:bootstrap SDK in the future.
        • target/board/${OVERLAY}/${CATEGORY}/${PACKAGE} <-- The cross-compiled target board packages built using the stage2/target/board SDK.
      • stage3/target/host/${OVERLAY}/${CATEGORY}/${PACKAGE} <-- The cross-root compiled host packages built using the stage3:bootstrap SDK. This will be used to confirm that the stage3:bootstrap SDK can be successfully used as a “stage1 SDK/tarball”.

As you can see, it's turtles (SDKs?) all the way down.

Interface Libraries

When bazel executes an action, it hashes all the inputs and uses the resulting hashes to compute a cache key. If any of those inputs change, then it causes a cache bust, and the action needs to be re-run. This can have dire consequences when making changes to packages lower in the dep graph as it causes a lot of rebuilds.

The best way to fix this is to prune any unnecessary dependencies. We can do this in one of two ways:

  • Prune the whole package. This is ideal since it flattens the dependency graph.
  • Be clever and prune the files installed by a package's dependencies to reduce the likelihood of cache busting. This is what we will be calling “Interface Libraries” or “Interface Layers”.

Gentoo Portage was originally built with the assumption that everything is dynamically linked, and for the most part this remains true. When an executable or library is linked, the linker verifies that all the necessary symbols are provided by the specified libraries. In the case of shared libraries, the linker doesn't actually need any of the data/code contained in the library, only the exported symbols. This means that replacing the .so files with stub files that only contain the exported symbols (the interface) allows us to avoid rebuilding reverse dependencies when the library is modified, as long as the interface remains consistent. The llvm-ifs tool does just that.

Take the following example:

│                  │
│  crash-reporter  │
│                  │
          │DEPEND + RDEPEND
 │                 │    /usr/lib64/
 │ libsegmentation │    /usr/sbin/feature_check
 │                 │
         │DEPEND + RDEPEND
     ┌───▼───┐         /usr/sbin/vpd
     │  vpd  │         /usr/lib64/
         │DEPEND + RDEPEND
  │            │       /usr/lib64/
  │  flashrom  │       /usr/lib64/libflashrom.a
  │            │       /sbin/flashrom

When building crash-reporter, we need to install libsegmentation, vpd, and flashrom into the ephemeral chroot. If flashrom‘s’ source changes, we need to rebuild vpd, libsegmentation, and crash-reporter. This is both inefficient, and unnecessary. If, when building crash-reporter we replace,, and with a stub, we can insulate crash-reporter from changes to the library code.

We can take this a step further. ChromeOS leverages cross-compilation for board packages (CBUILD != CHOST). The CHOST binaries aren‘t executable on the CBUILD machine. If the binaries can’t be executed, we can make the assumption that they aren't used. This allows us to also strip out /sbin/flashrom, /usr/sbin/vpd, and /usr/sbin/feature_check. This further insulates crash-reporter from any code changes that occur in those binaries.

Additionally, we strip out any split-debug symbols and /usr/share/{man,doc,info}. See create_interface_layer for the details.

While the above assumptions work most of the time, some packages only produce static libraries or need to bundle the contents of other packages. For these cases, we provide metadata annotations allowing a package to control interface layer generation or consumption. See the metadata annotations below.

Declaring Bazel-specific ebuild/eclass metadata

Our Portage-to-Bazel translator (aka Alchemist) evaluates ebuilds and eclasses to extract package metadata, such as package dependencies (DEPEND/RDEPEND/etc.) and source dependencies (CROS_WORKON_*), and translates them into BUILD.bazel files. While the standard metadata are enough to build most packages, some packages benefit from additional metadata to build efficiently or correctly under Bazel.

You can provide Bazel-specific metadata for certain ebuilds/eclasses by placing TOML files in certain places:

  • ebuild: Placed in the same directory as an ebuild, and named $PN.toml (e.g. cryptohome.toml for chromeos-base/cryptohome).
  • eclass: Placed in the same directory as an eclass, and named $ECLASS.toml (e.g. cros-workon.toml for cros-workon.eclass).

When analyzing an ebuild file, Alchemist collects Bazel-specific metadata from the TOML file associated with the ebuild, and those associated with eclasses directly or indirectly inherited by the ebuild.

Below is the format of the TOML file:

# This is the only top-level table allowed in the TOML file containing
# Bazel-specific metadata.

# Extra source code needed to build the package.
# First-party ebuilds should usually define CROS_WORKON_* variables and inherit
# cros-workon.eclass to declare source code dependencies. However, it's
# sometimes the case that a package build needs to depend on extra source code
# that are not declared in the ebuild's CROS_WORKON_*, e.g. some common build
# scripts. This is especially the case with eclasses because manipulating
# CROS_WORKON_* correctly in eclasses is not straightforward. Under the
# Portage-orchestrated build system, accessing those extra files is as easy as
# just hard-coding /mnt/host/source/..., but it's an error under the
# Bazel-orchestrated build system where source code dependencies are strictly
# managed.
# This metadata allows ebuilds and eclasses to define extra source code
# dependencies. Each element must be a label of a Bazel target defined with
# extra_sources rule from //bazel/portage/build_defs:extra_sources.bzl. The rule
# defines a set of files to be used as extra sources.
# When multiple TOML files set this metadata for a package, values are simply
# merged.
extra_sources = ["//platform2/common-mk:sources"]

# The package supports dynamically linking against interface only shared objects.
# When enabled (the default) this will result in all build-time dependencies of
# the package having their shared objects (.so) stripped of all code. All static
# libraries (.a) and executables (/bin, /usr/bin, etc) will also be omitted. By
# pruning the dependencies, the package will not have to rebuild unless the
# interface of the dependencies change.
# You must set this to `false` if your package performs any kind of static
# linking, otherwise the required files won't be present.
# Format: You can specify either `true`, `false`, or a shell expression. The
# shell expression is used to test USE flags. i.e., `use static` or
# `use !foo && use bar`.
# This value can also be declared on an `eclass` and it will apply to all
# packages that inherit from it.
# If multiple declarations are found, they are all ANDed together.
supports_interface_libraries = false
# or
supports_interface_libraries = "use !static"

# The package should generate interface libraries that can be used by the
# reverse dependencies of this package.
# When enabled, you will allow the reverse dependencies of this package to build
# using interface libraries (.so files that have had their code stripped). All
# binaries and static libraries are also pruned and not accessible to the
# reverse dependencies while building. This has the advantage of only cache
# busting the reverse dependencies when a library interface changes.
# You must set this to `false` if your package only generates static libraries,
# or switch your package to produce .so files instead. If your package is a
# hybrid and produces both .so and .a files, or .a and executables, you might
# consider using `interface_library_allowlist` to still get some benefits of
# interface libraries.
# Format: You can specify either `true`, `false`, or a shell expression. The
# shell expression is used to test USE flags. i.e., `use static` or
# `use !foo && use bar`.
# This value can also be declared on an `eclass` and it will propagate to all
# packages that inherit from it.
# If multiple declarations are found they are all ANDed together.
generate_interface_libraries = false

# Files generated by the package that should be copied without modifications
# into the interface layer for the package.
# Some packages produce small static libraries that need to be statically linked
# into the main executable. This is in addition to the `.so` that contains the
# bulk of the code. By default we strip all `.a` files when generating the
# interface layer from a package.
# For example, dev-libs/protobuf produces the following libraries:
# * /usr/lib64/
# * /usr/lib64/
# * /usr/lib64/libutf8_validity.a
# `libutf8_validity` must be statically linked into all executables that
# dynamically link against `libprotobuf`.
interface_library_allowlist = [

Bazel Build Event Services

Bazel supports uploading and persisting build/test events and top level outputs (e.g. what was built, invocation command, hostname, performance metrics) to a backend. These build events can then be visualized and accessed over a shareable URL. These standardized backends are known as Build Event Services (BES), and the events are defined in build_event_stream.proto.

Currently, BES uploads are enabled by default for all CI and local builds (for Googlers). The URL is printed at the start and end of every invocation. For example:

$ BOARD=amd64-generic bazel test //bazel/rust/examples/...
(09:18:58) INFO: Invocation ID: 2dbec8dc-8dfe-4263-b0db-399a029b7dc7
(09:18:58) INFO: Streaming build results to: http://sponge2/2dbec8dc-8dfe-4263-b0db-399a029b7dc7
(09:19:13) INFO: Elapsed time: 16.542s, Critical Path: 2.96s
(09:19:13) INFO: 6 processes: 3 remote cache hit, 7 linux-sandbox.
Executed 5 out of 5 tests: 5 tests pass.
(09:19:13) INFO: Streaming build results to: http://sponge2/2dbec8dc-8dfe-4263-b0db-399a029b7dc7

The flags related to BES uploads are grouped behind the --config=bes flag, defined in the common bazelrc file.

Injecting prebuilt binary packages

In the case your work is blocked by some package build failures, you can workaround them by injecting prebuilt binary packages via command line flags.

For every ebuild target under @portage//internal/packages/..., an associated string flag target is defined. You can set a gs:// URL of a prebuilt binary package to inject it.

For example, to inject a prebuilt binary packages for chromeos-chrome, you can set this option:


You can run to generate the prebuilt config for the current version of chromeos-chrome.

% BOARD=amd64-generic portage/tools/

When performing changes to eclasses, build_packages, chromite or other things that cache bust large parts of the graph, it might be beneficial to pin the binary packages for already built packages so you don't need to rebuild them when iterating on your changes. You can use the generate-stage2-prebuilts script to do this:

$ BOARD=amd64-generic ./bazel/portage/tools/generate-stage2-prebuilts

This will scan your bazel-bin directory for any existing binpkgs and copy them to ~/.cache/binpkgs. It will then generate a prebuilts.bazelrc that contains various --config options. The prebuilts.bazelrc is invalid after you repo sync since it contains package version numbers. Just re-run the script after a repo sync to regenerate the prebuilts.bazelrc and it will pin the packages with versions that still exist in your bazel-bin.

Running a build with pinned packages:

$ BOARD=amd64-generic bazel build --config=prebuilts/stage2-board-sdk @portage//target/sys-apps/attr

Googlers also have the option of using the artifacts generated by the snapshot builders. The output gs bucket will contain a prebuilts.bazelrc that specifies all the CAS locations for each package that was built by the builder. You can download this and place it into your workspace root. You can also use the following tool to fetch the prebuilts.bazelrc for your currently synced manifest hash.

$ ./bazel/portage/tools/fetch-prebuilts --board "$BOARD"

Extracting binary packages

In case you need to extract the contents of a binary package so you can easily inspect it, you can use the xpak split CLI.

bazel run //bazel/portage/bin/xpak:xpak -- split --extract libffi-3.1-r8.tbz2 libusb-0-r2.tbz2