blob: e22b6f615b92690477833c6a7dd88949e5f720d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::{collections::BTreeSet, io::Write, path::Path};
use crate::{
proto::spawn::exec_log_entry::{self, Spawn},
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use itertools::Itertools;
type EntryType = exec_log_entry::Type;
type OutputType = exec_log_entry::output::Type;
pub fn diagnose_cache_hits(output_path: &Path, processor: &ExecLogProcessor) -> Result<()> {
// Extract all spawn entries.
let all_spawns: Vec<&Spawn> = processor
.filter_map(|entry| {
if let Some(EntryType::Spawn(spawn)) = &entry.r#type {
} else {
// Filter irrelevant spawn entries.
let relevant_spawns: Vec<&Spawn> = all_spawns
.filter(|spawn| {
// Filter hash tracer spawns.
if spawn.mnemonic == "HashTracer" {
return false;
// Older execlogs have hash tracer spawns with right mnemonic, so filter them with
// a hack.
if let Some(last_arg) = spawn.args.last() {
if last_arg.ends_with(".hash") {
return false;
// PackageTar spawn is set to no-remote.
if spawn.mnemonic == "PackageTar" {
return false;
// Compute cache-miss spawns.
let cache_miss_spawns: Vec<&Spawn> = relevant_spawns
.filter(|spawn| !spawn.cache_hit)
// Compute the union of all output files from cache-miss spawns.
let cache_miss_spawn_outputs: BTreeSet<i32> = cache_miss_spawns
.flat_map(|spawn| {
.filter_map(|output| match output.r#type {
Some(OutputType::FileId(id)) => Some(id),
Some(OutputType::DirectoryId(id)) => Some(id),
Some(OutputType::UnresolvedSymlinkId(id)) => Some(id),
_ => None,
// Find all input sets containing any of cache-miss spawn outputs.
let non_leaf_input_sets: BTreeSet<i32> = processor
// Compute "leaf" cache-miss spawns whose input set doesn't contain outputs from other
// cache-miss spawns.
let (leaf_cache_miss_spawns, non_leaf_cache_miss_spawns): (Vec<&Spawn>, Vec<&Spawn>) =
.sorted_by_cached_key(|spawn| (spawn.target_label.clone(), spawn.mnemonic.clone()))
.partition(|spawn| {
&& !non_leaf_input_sets.contains(&spawn.tool_set_id)
// Finally, print reports.
let mut out = std::fs::File::create(output_path)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to create {}", output_path.display()))?;
writeln!(&mut out, "======= cache hit diagnosis =======")?;
writeln!(&mut out, "All actions: {}", all_spawns.len())?;
writeln!(&mut out, "Non-trivial actions: {}", relevant_spawns.len())?;
writeln!(&mut out, "Cache-miss actions: {}", cache_miss_spawns.len())?;
&mut out,
"Leaf cache-miss actions: {}",
for s in leaf_cache_miss_spawns {
writeln!(&mut out, " {} [{}]", s.target_label, s.mnemonic)?;
&mut out,
"Non-leaf cache-miss actions: {}",
for s in non_leaf_cache_miss_spawns {
writeln!(&mut out, " {} [{}]", s.target_label, s.mnemonic)?;
writeln!(&mut out, "======= end cache hit diagnosis =======")?;
mod tests {
use crate::proto::spawn::{
exec_log_entry::{File, InputSet},
use super::*;
fn smoke() -> Result<()> {
let entries = vec![
ExecLogEntry {
id: 0,
r#type: Some(EntryType::InputSet(InputSet {
file_ids: vec![],
ExecLogEntry {
id: 1,
r#type: Some(EntryType::InputSet(InputSet {
file_ids: vec![10, 11],
ExecLogEntry {
id: 10,
r#type: Some(EntryType::File(File {
path: "x".to_string(),
ExecLogEntry {
id: 11,
r#type: Some(EntryType::File(File {
path: "y".to_string(),
ExecLogEntry {
id: 100,
r#type: Some(EntryType::Spawn(Spawn {
target_label: "//a".to_string(),
mnemonic: "A".to_string(),
cache_hit: true,
ExecLogEntry {
id: 101,
r#type: Some(EntryType::Spawn(Spawn {
target_label: "//b".to_string(),
mnemonic: "B".to_string(),
cache_hit: false,
ExecLogEntry {
id: 102,
r#type: Some(EntryType::Spawn(Spawn {
target_label: "//c".to_string(),
mnemonic: "C".to_string(),
cache_hit: false,
input_set_id: 1,
let processor = ExecLogProcessor::from(&entries);
let output_file = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new()?;
let output_path = output_file.path();
diagnose_cache_hits(output_path, &processor)?;
r#"======= cache hit diagnosis =======
All actions: 3
Non-trivial actions: 3
Cache-miss actions: 2
Leaf cache-miss actions: 2
//b [B]
//c [C]
Non-leaf cache-miss actions: 0
======= end cache hit diagnosis =======