presubmit: Don't skip OWNERS check when Bot-Commit+1 is present.

Change-Id: I17b07796a86c5214e13a0058428889c1bb2b850d
Auto-Submit: Edward Lesmes <>
Reviewed-by: Jason Clinton <>
Commit-Queue: Edward Lesmes <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 16c1497..d4714e5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1127,17 +1127,12 @@
 def CheckOwners(
     input_api, output_api, source_file_filter=None, allow_tbr=True):
-  if input_api.change.issue:
-    # Skip OWNERS check when Bot-Commit label is approved. This label is
-    # intended for commits made by trusted bots that don't require review nor
-    # owners approval.
-    if input_api.gerrit.IsBotCommitApproved(input_api.change.issue):
-      return []
-    # Skip OWNERS check when Owners-Override label is approved. This is intended
-    # for global owners, trusted bots, and on-call sheriffs. Review is still
-    # required for these changes.
-    if input_api.gerrit.IsOwnersOverrideApproved(input_api.change.issue):
-      return []
+  # Skip OWNERS check when Owners-Override label is approved. This is intended
+  # for global owners, trusted bots, and on-call sheriffs. Review is still
+  # required for these changes.
+  if (input_api.change.issue
+      and input_api.gerrit.IsOwnersOverrideApproved(input_api.change.issue)):
+    return []
   # Ignore tbr if not allowed for this repo.
   tbr = input_api.tbr and allow_tbr
diff --git a/ b/
index 3a05c4b..c53ed8f 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -446,9 +446,6 @@
     return [v for v in label_info.get('all', [])
             if v.get('value', 0) == max_value]
-  def IsBotCommitApproved(self, issue):
-    return bool(self._GetApproversForLabel(issue, 'Bot-Commit'))
   def IsOwnersOverrideApproved(self, issue):
     return bool(self._GetApproversForLabel(issue, 'Owners-Override'))
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index fc4e1df..739a2e3 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -2795,37 +2795,6 @@
-  def testCannedCheckOwners_BotCommit(self):
-    response = {
-      "owner": {"email": ""},
-      "labels": {"Bot-Commit": {
-        u'all': [
-          {
-            u'email': u'',
-            u'value': 1
-          },
-        ],
-        u'approved': {u'email': u''},
-        u'default_value': 0,
-        u'values': {u' 0': u'No score',
-                    u'+1': u'Looks good to me'},
-      }},
-      "reviewers": {"REVIEWER": [{u'email': u''}]},
-    }
-    self.AssertOwnersWorks(
-        approvers=set(),
-        modified_files={'foo/': ['']},
-        response=response,
-        is_committing=True,
-        expected_output='')
-    self.AssertOwnersWorks(
-        approvers=set(),
-        modified_files={'foo/': ['']},
-        is_committing=False,
-        response=response,
-        expected_output='')
   def testCannedCheckOwners_OwnersOverride(self):
     response = {
       "owner": {"email": ""},