| # This is the global list of words to be blocked. unblocked_terms.txt has |
| # terms that are too commonly used still and are in the process of being |
| # cleaned from the codebase. Copy unblocked_terms.txt to your project and |
| # start commenting out terms to enable the repo hook to block the words. |
| |
| # Black Hat |
| black.?hat |
| # Black List |
| black.?list |
| # Build Cop, but not build copy |
| \bbuild.?cop\b |
| # Crazy |
| crazy |
| # Cripple |
| cripple |
| # Dummy |
| dummy |
| # Frist Class Citizen |
| first.?class.?citizen |
| # Grandfathered |
| grandfathered |
| # Gray Hat |
| gr[ae]y.?hat |
| # Gray List |
| gr[ae]y.?list |
| # Gendered pronouns are not recommended for general use, but have legitimate |
| # uses when referring to a specific individual, and thus do not need to be |
| # blocked globally. |
| # He |
| # \bhe\b |
| # She |
| # \bshe\b |
| # Him |
| # \bhim\b |
| # Her |
| # \bher\b |
| # His |
| # \bhis\b |
| # Hers |
| # \bhers\b |
| # Man in the middle |
| man.?in.?the.?middle |
| # Master |
| master |
| # MITM |
| \bmitm(\b|\d) |
| # Natives (formerly singular 'native') |
| \bnatives |
| # Red Line |
| \bred.?line |
| # RTFM |
| rtfm |
| # Sane, Insane |
| \b(in)?sane(\b|\d) |
| # Sanity |
| sanity |
| # Slave |
| slave |
| # White Glove |
| white.?glove |
| # White Hat |
| white.?hat |
| # White Label |
| white.?label |
| # White List |
| white.?list |
| # WTF |
| \bwtf |