tree: b8f4fcea1a92fb0abf20dc74328856eabe20657c [path history] [tgz]
  1. files/
  2. dump-capture-kernel-4.19.ebuild
  3. Manifest
  4. metadata.xml

How to update dump-capture-kernel

Find the dump-capture-kernel commit you want to use for the tarball at Download the dump-capture-kernel tarball and upload it to chromeos-localmirror using the following commands:

# Better do this outside the chroot otherwise gsutil will complain
# For example: Consider the kernel commit to be f8649a7.
$ wget
$ gsutil cp -n -a public-read f8649a7.tar.gz \
$ rm f8649a7.tar.gz

Update the EGIT_COMMIT variable in the ebuild file with the new commit.

  1. If you have just changed the dump-capture-kernel commit in the same kernel version, use the following command:

    # Outside chroot
    $ git mv dump-capture-kernel-<kernel_version>-r<revision>.ebuild dump-capture-kernel-<kernel_version>-r<revision+1>.ebuild
    # Inside chroot
    $ equery-lakitu w dump-capture-kernel
    $ ebuild-lakitu </path/to/ebuild>.ebuild manifest
    $ emerge-lakitu dump-capture-kernel
  2. If you have changed the kernel version for dump-capture-kernel, use the following commands:

    # Outside chroot
    $ git mv dump-capture-kernel-<old_kernel_version>-r<revision>.ebuild dump-capture-kernel-<new_kernel_version>-r1.ebuild
    # Inside chroot
    $ equery-lakitu w dump-capture-kernel
    $ ebuild-lakitu </path/to/ebuild>.ebuild manifest
    $ emerge-lakitu dump-capture-kernel