project-lakitu: extensions-manager: update cos-gpu-installer versions to v2.0.3

The cos-gpu-installer:v2 has a bug that the order of loading GPU kernel
modules is undeterministic. There is a chance that installing GPU
drivers will fail because of the issue. This prevents us from adding
tests because the tests will be flaky. The cos-gpu-installer:v2.0.3
fixed the bug.

RELEASE_NOTE=Upgraded cos-gpu-installer to v2.0.3 in cos-extensions.
It fixed an issue that installing GPU drivers may fail due to loading
GPU kernel modules in incorrect order.

Change-Id: I3a20e6df553ea0c7823ab984aaa463ebd79dfba6
Reviewed-by: Roy Yang <>
Tested-by: Cusky Presubmit Bot <>
2 files changed