lakitu: create package information file in the image

TEST=Ran "". Also see TEST section of

Change-Id: I3b88692e82a384ec1afc92750e1cf906fa5139f8
diff --git a/overlay-lakitu/scripts/ b/overlay-lakitu/scripts/
index cafdd0f..3e001d2 100644
--- a/overlay-lakitu/scripts/
+++ b/overlay-lakitu/scripts/
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 # found in the LICENSE file.
@@ -12,6 +14,14 @@
 # Don't install symbol table for kdump kernel.
 INSTALL_MASK+=" /boot/kdump/*"
+cleanup_temp_package_list() {
+  if [[ -e "${TEMP_PACKAGE_LIST}" ]]; then
+    rm -f "${TEMP_PACKAGE_LIST}"
+  fi
 # build_image script calls board_setup on the pristine base image.
 board_make_image_bootable() {
   local -r image="$1"
@@ -23,6 +33,49 @@
+create_package_info() {
+  trap cleanup_temp_package_list EXIT
+  TEMP_PACKAGE_LIST="$(mktemp -t package-list.XXXXXXXXXX)"
+  # The "emerge" command below generates the list of packages that
+  # virtual/target-os depends on. Its results look like
+  #
+  #   ...
+  #   [binary   R    ] app-arch/gzip-1.9 to /build/lakitu/
+  #   [binary   R    ] dev-libs/popt-1.16-r2 to /build/lakitu/
+  #   [binary   R    ] app-emulation/docker-credential-helpers-0.6.3-r1 to /build/lakitu/
+  #   ...
+  #
+  # This command line is similar to what ListInstalledPackage function (in
+  # chromite/licensing/ does.
+  #
+  # The following "grep" command filters out extra messages to leave the package
+  # list only.
+  #
+  # And the "sed" command extracts the category name, the package name, and the
+  # version from each line. With that, the example above is converted to
+  #
+  #   ...
+  #   app-arch/gzip-1.9
+  #   dev-libs/popt-1.16-r2
+  #   app-emulation/docker-credential-helpers-0.6.3-r1
+  #   ...
+  "emerge-${BOARD}" \
+      --with-bdeps=n --with-bdeps-auto=n --usepkgonly --emptytree --pretend \
+      --color=n virtual/target-os | \
+      grep --color=never "^\[" | \
+      sed -E 's/\[[^]]+R[^]]+\] (.+) to \/build\/.*/\1/' \
+      > "${TEMP_PACKAGE_LIST}"
+  local -r script_root="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"
+  sudo "${script_root}/" \
+      --input="${TEMP_PACKAGE_LIST}" \
+      --output="${root_fs_dir}"/etc/cos-package-info.json
+  cleanup_temp_package_list
+  trap - EXIT
 write_toolchain_path() {
   local -r cros_overlay="/mnt/host/source/src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay"
   local -r sdk_ver_file="${cros_overlay}/chromeos/binhost/host/sdk_version.conf"
@@ -37,13 +90,14 @@
       sudo tee "${BUILD_DIR}/toolchain_path" > /dev/null
-# Moves the given rootfs_file to the given artifact location. The directory
-# containing the rootfs_file is deleted if it becomes empty after this move.
-# If the rootfs_file doesn't exist, put an empty file at the given artifact
-# location.
-export_image_artifact() {
-  local rootfs_file="$1"
-  local artifact="$2"
+# Moves the given rootfs file (a relative path to "root_fs_dir") to the given
+# artifact location (a relative path to "BUILD_DIR"). The directory containing
+# the rootfs file is deleted if it becomes empty after this move. If the
+# rootfs file doesn't exist, this function puts an empty file at the given
+# artifact location.
+move_for_artifact() {
+  local rootfs_file="${root_fs_dir}/$1"
+  local artifact="${BUILD_DIR}/$2"
   if [[ ! -f "${rootfs_file}" ]]; then
     touch "${artifact}"
@@ -55,64 +109,28 @@
-write_toolchain_env() {
-  # Create toolchain_env file in BUILD_DIR so that it can be exported
-  # as an artifact.
-  local artifact="${BUILD_DIR}/toolchain_env"
-  # File from which kernel compiler information will be copied
-  # This file is deleted after copying content to artifact
-  local toolchain_env_file="${root_fs_dir}/etc/toolchain_env"
-  # Copy kernel compiler info to BUILD artifact
-  if [[ -f "${toolchain_env_file}" ]]; then
-    cp "${toolchain_env_file}" "${artifact}"
-    # Remove toolchain_env from image
-    sudo rm "${toolchain_env_file}"
-  else
-    touch "${artifact}"
-  fi
+# Creates toolchain_env file in BUILD_DIR so that it can be exported as an
+# artifact.
+export_toolchain_env() {
+  # File that has kernel compiler information.
+  move_for_artifact "etc/toolchain_env" "toolchain_env"
-write_kernel_info() {
-  # Create kernel_info file in BUILD_DIR so that it can be exported
-  # as an artifact.
-  local build_artifact="${BUILD_DIR}/kernel_info"
-  # File from which kernel information will be copied.
-  # This file is deleted after copying content to artifact.
-  local kernel_info_file="${root_fs_dir}/etc/kernel_info"
-  # Copy kernel_info to BUILD artifact.
-  if [[ -f "${kernel_info_file}" ]]; then
-    cp "${kernel_info_file}" "${build_artifact}"
-    # Remove kernel_info file from image.
-    sudo rm "${kernel_info_file}"
-  else
-    touch "${build_artifact}"
-  fi
+# Creates kernel_info file in BUILD_DIR so that it can be exported as an
+# artifact.
+export_kernel_info() {
+  # File with kernel information.
+  move_for_artifact "etc/kernel_info" "kernel_info"
-write_kernel_commit() {
-  # Create kernel_commit file in BUILD_DIR so that it can be exported
-  # as an artifact.
-  local build_artifact="${BUILD_DIR}/kernel_commit"
-  # File from which kernel commit will be copied.
-  # This file is deleted after copying content to artifact.
-  local kernel_commit_file="${root_fs_dir}/etc/kernel_commit"
-  # Copy kernel_commit to BUILD artifact.
-  if [[ -f "${kernel_commit_file}" ]]; then
-    cp "${kernel_commit_file}" "${build_artifact}"
-    # Remove kernel_commit file from image.
-    sudo rm "${kernel_commit_file}"
-  else
-    touch "${build_artifact}"
-  fi
+# Creates kernel_commit file in BUILD_DIR so that it can be exported as an
+# artifact.
+export_kernel_commit() {
+  # File with kernel commit ID.
+  move_for_artifact "etc/kernel_commit" "kernel_commit"
-# Export default GPU driver version file as an artifact.
+# Exports default GPU driver version file as an artifact.
 export_gpu_default_version() {
   local -r script_root="$1"
   local -r default_driver_file="${script_root}/gpu_default_version"
@@ -126,16 +144,15 @@
 # end of building base image.
 board_finalize_base_image() {
   local -r script_root="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"
+  create_package_info
-  export_image_artifact \
-    "${root_fs_dir}/opt/google/src/kernel-src.tar.gz" \
-    "${BUILD_DIR}/kernel-src.tar.gz"
-  export_image_artifact \
-    "${root_fs_dir}/opt/google/src/kernel-headers.tgz" \
-    "${BUILD_DIR}/kernel-headers.tgz"
-  write_toolchain_env
-  write_kernel_info
-  write_kernel_commit
+  move_for_artifact "opt/google/src/kernel-src.tar.gz" \
+                    "kernel-src.tar.gz"
+  move_for_artifact "opt/google/src/kernel-headers.tgz" \
+                    "kernel-headers.tgz"
+  export_toolchain_env
+  export_kernel_info
+  export_kernel_commit
   cp "${BOARD_ROOT}/usr/lib/debug/boot/vmlinux" "${BUILD_DIR}/vmlinux"
   export_gpu_default_version "${script_root}"
diff --git a/overlay-lakitu/scripts/ b/overlay-lakitu/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..423545a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overlay-lakitu/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Create the package information file in JSON format.
+To get the package information, use the library at
+instead of accessing the JSON file directly.
+For information on the JSON format, see http://go/cos-package-list-design .
+from __future__ import print_function
+import collections
+import getopt
+import json
+import re
+import sys
+# The following regular expresssions are used for extracting the category name,
+# the package name, the package version without the revision, and the package
+# revision from a string that looks like
+#   category_name/package_name-
+# These regular expressions follow the Gentoo package manager specification at
+# . They are similar to what SplitPV
+# function (in chromite/lib/ uses.
+CATEGORY_RE = r'(?P<category>\w[\w\+\.\-]*)'
+PACKAGE_RE = r'(?P<package>\w[\w+-]*)'
+VERSION_NUMLETTER_RE = r'\d+(\.\d+)*[a-z]?'
+VERSION_SUFFIX_RE = r'_(pre|p|beta|alpha|rc)\d*'
+VERSION_NO_REV_RE = r'(?P<version_no_rev>%s(%s)*)' % (VERSION_NUMLETTER_RE,
+                                                      VERSION_SUFFIX_RE)
+REVISION_RE = r'-r(?P<revision>\d+)'
+CPV_RE = r'^%s\/%s-%s(%s)?$' % (CATEGORY_RE, PACKAGE_RE,
+                                VERSION_NO_REV_RE, REVISION_RE)
+def PrintHelp():
+  print('usage: --input=<input file> --output=<output file>')
+def CreateList(input_lines):
+  cpv_re = re.compile(CPV_RE, re.VERBOSE)
+  package_list = []
+  for line in input_lines:
+    match = cpv_re.match(line.strip())
+    if match is not None:
+      package_list.append(match.groupdict())
+  return package_list
+def WriteJson(package_list, output_file):
+  installed_packages = []
+  for p in package_list:
+    package_info = collections.OrderedDict(
+        [('category', p['category']),
+         ('name', p['package']),
+         ('version', p['version_no_rev'])
+        ]
+    )
+    if 'revision' in p and p['revision'] is not None:
+      package_info['revision'] = p['revision']
+    installed_packages.append(package_info)
+  result = {}
+  result['installedPackages'] = installed_packages
+  json.dump(result, output_file, indent=4)
+  return 0
+def main(argv):
+  input_fn = ''
+  output_fn = ''
+  try:
+    opts, args_left = getopt.getopt(argv, '', ['help', 'input=', 'output='])
+  except getopt.GetoptError:
+    PrintHelp()
+    return -1
+  if len(args_left) != 0:
+    PrintHelp()
+    return -1
+  for opt, arg in opts:
+    if opt == '--help':
+      PrintHelp()
+    elif opt == '--input':
+      input_fn = arg
+    elif opt == '--output':
+      output_fn = arg
+  if input_fn == '' or output_fn == '':
+    PrintHelp()
+    return -1
+  input_lines = []
+  try:
+    with open(input_fn) as input_file:
+      input_lines = input_file.readlines()
+  except OSError:
+    print('error: Failed to open input file: %s' % input_fn)
+    return -1
+  if len(input_lines) == 0:
+    print('error: No input lines')
+    return -1
+  package_list = CreateList(input_lines)
+  if len(package_list) == 0:
+    print('error: Empty package list')
+    return -1
+  try:
+    with open(output_fn, 'w') as output_file:
+      ret = WriteJson(package_list, output_file)
+      if ret != 0:
+        print('error: Failed to write package list')
+        return ret
+  except OSError:
+    print('error: Failed to open input file: %s' % input_fn)
+    return -1
+  return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/overlay-lakitu/scripts/ b/overlay-lakitu/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..25204b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overlay-lakitu/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Unit tests for create_pkg_info."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import io
+import unittest
+import create_pkg_info
+class CreatePkgInfoTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """All the tests."""
+      'app-arch/gzip-1.9',
+      'dev-libs/popt-1.16-r2',
+      'app-emulation/docker-credential-helpers-0.6.3-r1',
+      '_not.real-category1+/_not-real_package1-',
+      ' _not.real-category1+/_not-real_package2- ',
+      '  _not.real-category1+/_not-real_package3-  ',
+      '   _not.real-category1+/_not-real_package4-   ',
+      '    _not.real-category1+/_not-real_package5-   ',
+      '_not.real-category2+/_not-real_package1-',
+      '_not.real-category2+/_not-real_package2-',
+      '_not.real-category2+/_not-real_package3-',
+      '_not.real-category2+/_not-real_package4-',
+      '_not.real-category2+/_not-real_package5-'
+  ]
+      {'category': 'app-arch', 'package': 'gzip', 'version_no_rev': '1.9',
+       'revision': None},
+      {'category': 'dev-libs', 'package': 'popt', 'version_no_rev': '1.16',
+       'revision': '2'},
+      {'category': 'app-emulation', 'package': 'docker-credential-helpers',
+       'version_no_rev': '0.6.3', 'revision': '1'},
+      {'category': '_not.real-category1+', 'package': '_not-real_package1',
+       'version_no_rev': '', 'revision': None},
+      {'category': '_not.real-category1+', 'package': '_not-real_package2',
+       'version_no_rev': '', 'revision': '26'},
+      {'category': '_not.real-category1+', 'package': '_not-real_package3',
+       'version_no_rev': '', 'revision': None},
+      {'category': '_not.real-category1+', 'package': '_not-real_package4',
+       'version_no_rev': '', 'revision': '26'},
+      {'category': '_not.real-category1+', 'package': '_not-real_package5',
+       'version_no_rev': '', 'revision': '26'},
+      {'category': '_not.real-category2+', 'package': '_not-real_package1',
+       'version_no_rev': '', 'revision': None},
+      {'category': '_not.real-category2+', 'package': '_not-real_package2',
+       'version_no_rev': '', 'revision': '26'},
+      {'category': '_not.real-category2+', 'package': '_not-real_package3',
+       'version_no_rev': '', 'revision': None},
+      {'category': '_not.real-category2+', 'package': '_not-real_package4',
+       'version_no_rev': '', 'revision': '26'},
+      {'category': '_not.real-category2+', 'package': '_not-real_package5',
+       'version_no_rev': '', 'revision': '26'}
+  ]
+    "installedPackages": [
+        {
+            "category": "app-arch",
+            "name": "gzip",
+            "version": "1.9"
+        },
+        {
+            "category": "dev-libs",
+            "name": "popt",
+            "version": "1.16",
+            "revision": "2"
+        },
+        {
+            "category": "app-emulation",
+            "name": "docker-credential-helpers",
+            "version": "0.6.3",
+            "revision": "1"
+        },
+        {
+            "category": "_not.real-category1+",
+            "name": "_not-real_package1",
+            "version": ""
+        },
+        {
+            "category": "_not.real-category1+",
+            "name": "_not-real_package2",
+            "version": "",
+            "revision": "26"
+        },
+        {
+            "category": "_not.real-category1+",
+            "name": "_not-real_package3",
+            "version": ""
+        },
+        {
+            "category": "_not.real-category1+",
+            "name": "_not-real_package4",
+            "version": "",
+            "revision": "26"
+        },
+        {
+            "category": "_not.real-category1+",
+            "name": "_not-real_package5",
+            "version": "",
+            "revision": "26"
+        },
+        {
+            "category": "_not.real-category2+",
+            "name": "_not-real_package1",
+            "version": ""
+        },
+        {
+            "category": "_not.real-category2+",
+            "name": "_not-real_package2",
+            "version": "",
+            "revision": "26"
+        },
+        {
+            "category": "_not.real-category2+",
+            "name": "_not-real_package3",
+            "version": ""
+        },
+        {
+            "category": "_not.real-category2+",
+            "name": "_not-real_package4",
+            "version": "",
+            "revision": "26"
+        },
+        {
+            "category": "_not.real-category2+",
+            "name": "_not-real_package5",
+            "version": "",
+            "revision": "26"
+        }
+    ]
+  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+    self.maxDiff = None
+  def testCreateList(self):
+    self.assertEqual(
+        create_pkg_info.CreateList(self.INPUT_LINES),
+        self.EXPECTED_LIST)
+  def testWriteJson(self):
+    mock_file = io.StringIO()
+    create_pkg_info.WriteJson(self.EXPECTED_LIST, mock_file)
+    self.assertEqual(mock_file.getvalue(), self.EXPECTED_JSON)
+    mock_file.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()