edgeos: Do not require exporting GPU versions

lakitu boards must export GPU versions, but these are not applicable to
EdgeOS boards. Cleanup and fixing forward so these lakitu changes don't
break the EdgeOS boards in the future.

Numerous hacks in the past (e.g. go/cos-review/45707) have added
symlinks to the lakitu versions. It's not only weird and hacky, it's
actually incorrect metadata to export as these versions aren't
installed in the EdgeOS board.

TEST=built the edgeos image, will run presubmits on both boards

Change-Id: I0b48bd46ba7b85d890bfbabaf45bf124f6daa216
Reviewed-on: https://cos-review.googlesource.com/c/cos/overlays/board-overlays/+/49249
Tested-by: Cusky Presubmit Bot <presubmit@cos-infra-prod.iam.gserviceaccount.com>
Reviewed-by: Arnav Kansal <rnv@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Joshua Emele <jemele@google.com>
5 files changed