Add script for starting logging and fix race condition in 4230.

We can add the script back for starting logging due to the new design
for enabling it through cis-compliance. It is opted-out by default and
users have to go and delete it's opt out to have the script run. This
makes it a very deliberate user choice to use our logging and still
allows autoVM to track the logging is running benchmark.

RELEASE_NOTE=Add script to start logging for cis-level2 if the default
opt-out flag is removed by the user.

cos-patch: bug
Change-Id: Id5c6eb839ddc96f44d48bbc71834c1cc83985d40
2 files changed
tree: 9bfee2b88f4fdc716b2be735b16c0daf876787ed
  1. alphabet-compliance/
  2. PRESUBMIT.cfg

Compliance Scripts for Container-Optimized OS

These are experimental scripts developed for Alphabet compliance. The sections referred on the scripts are from CIS Distribution Independent Linux Benchmark v2.0.0